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The e-commerce.

my marketing plan


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For my video game site, this is my marketing plan. Please give me feedback. What are other good marketing tools to use? What do you use that is successful?


My goal is to reach 10 sales per day. Is this reasonable with a plan as follows? I carry almost 2000 products.





- google

- overture

- searchfind

- Kanoodle

- Enhance Interactive


Sjop Aides


-nextag and sister site

-various comparison sites (2 or more) -cnet banners


-SEO optimizing


-banners on video game sites (5 or more)


-yahoo directory and enhanced placement

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That will drive good traffic to your site but if you don't have extremely aggressive prices and the exact products people are looking for it will all be in vain. Having such aggressive prices will be hard if you are spending alot of money on banners and other advertisements.


Keep in mind also it will take a good amount of time (up to a year) to get good placement on search engines, and thats IF your meta tags are perfect and you have alot of backlinking.


Somthing you might want to look at doing is offering free shipping for X amount. I suggest setting this amount about $5 to $10 more than your average product thus getting customers to order things they might not need, but want. Another way to get customers to your site is to run coupons from time to time, this will get you listed on alot of the deal sites which is always good for traffic.


Finally, don't forget that there will also always be those people who stick with big name e-commerce sites like amazon.com and buy.com -- thats just the nature of the business.


Good Luck,



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Having experience in the Vidoe Game world (well actually pc and mac games), I can tell you firsthand that if your margin isn't at least 20%, you won't be able to afford some of those advertisers.


For a starup, I'd recommend jsu sticking with


Google Adwords





SEO optimizing

Yahoo, DMOZ and any other free directory listing you can get ahold of.


The rest of the search engines give terrible conversion ratios, and banner advertising has never been about immediate ROI. Only use banner ads if you can affor to pay now for brand recognition later. All of the rest of the price comparison sites are too expensive to both with.


I'd also recommend and aggressive affilliate program. Affilliates not only bring you sales, but they also give you backlinks.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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