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The e-commerce.

Online Tee Shirt Site categories confusion


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my name is mark and im making a website using OSCommerce. It is my first time using this ,and so i am completely lost .

The old website which i am working on is www.bargaintees.com.

AS you can see . it has multiple pricing

the tough part is i cant find what to do . We want to set up a system as so we can get


pricing based on the Quantity Ordered (What range the quantity falls in )


Pricing based on how many sides they want to be pritned (3 sides- front , back , side sleeve)


How many colors do they want the print in (1,2,3,4,5,6 colors)


Let the user UPload Pictures and they stay with the order and easily trackable.


On the Size of Shirts ordered . S M L XL XLL XXXL


Right now , it is the user selects the quantity range 1st and then he types it in .. We want more easy for costomer where he can just click on the shirt (color: White, Light Dark ) and then go on the page where he jus selets the quantity range he wants ..and Manually types in the QUantity in a box next to it ... then he goes and pics the print colors, how many colors and so on ..


I know this is all confusing . but please if any1 can help me in any way. please do let me know .



PLease feel free for any suggestions you have


I am confused how to set up the whole plan for shirts ..so its faster and easier


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