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The e-commerce.

Missing Modules


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I've looked around the forums quite a bit and haven't found the answer to my problem yet. In the admin area under "Modules" and then "Shipping", I don't get the usual list of installed modules. Instead, I get

"Module Directory: https://www.securehost.com/mydomain.com/store/includes/modules/shipping/"


In other posts I've seen multiple people have this same problem, but none of the solutions that worked for them are working for me. I know the modules have been uploaded correctly, as they were working a couple days ago. I have file permissions for the "includes/modules" folder as well as all the files inside set at 755, and I've also tried 777 with no success.


It would be great to figure this out soon cause I've put multiple hours into trying to fix this. Thanks in advance!



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Hi Seth - my site suddenly did this to me a couple of months ago. I dont know exactly which line was wrong, but I overhauled my configure.php file, and my modules started working again. This was the configure.php in the store folder - not the admin folder.


As I say, cant tell you which line did it, but hope that gives you a good starting point.

Please note - if I have suggested a contrib above, it doesnt mean it will work! Most of the contribs are not ones I've used, but may be useful for your particular problem....

Have you tried a refined search? Chances are your problem has already been dealt with elsewhere on the forums.....

if (stumped == true) {


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$random_query = tep_fetch_answer($forum_query)


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Seth -


Did you figure this out? I'm struggling with the same issue right now, and it started when I tried to install the contribution Purchase Without Account 0.82.




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I figured it out - there was a line of code in the admin/includes/configure.php file that was wrong:


 define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', 'https://www.secure.com/mydomain.com/store/');


should have been:


 define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/services/webpages/m/y/mydomain.com/secure/store/');


I found the DOCUMENT_ROOT in Administration --> Tools --> Server Info. I found it under the "Apache Environment" heading, about a third of the way down the page.


After I changed that, my Modules came back with the same settings I had before. I believe the whole mess came about when I tried moving the entire store to SSL. I first installed osCommerce in a non-SSL directory to test it out, and after a couple days of trying to configure it to work in both SSL and non-SSL, I decided to just have the whole store be secure & I reinstalled in a secure directory. That way I could set the HTTP and HTTPS settings in the config.php file to the same URL.


Hope that helps!



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I decided to just have the whole store be secure & I reinstalled in a secure directory. That way I could set the HTTP and HTTPS settings in the config.php file to the same URL.


Fine ....as long as you don't mind ever getting a listing in Google - because Google doesn't give https pages any page ranking at all.


Check it out - if you have the Google Toolbar installed then go to an established site and move to an https page and see the Page Ranking bar grey out.



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transistorboy32 (Seth) -


Thanks for the tip - my line of code was different than yours, but the path was still wrong. I corrected it and that did the trick for me.


Thanks again! :thumbsup:


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  • 2 months later...

I am having the same problem. The payment and shipping modules used to show up in the admin area, but now they don't. Consequently, they are not available in the online store.


What could be wrong? What should I change? I have spent lots of time trying to get it working and still no success! Can you help?

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