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Checkout Success forward to Index NON SSL?


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Is it possible to make the Continue button on the checkout success page goto the NON SSL index page?


I asume i need to modify the code for the button which is below:


<?php echo tep_template_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE); ?>



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Currently i don't get any popup boxes whn i go from non ssl to ssl, so would i get them if i made any changes?


Also would one way be to use a normal a href link with an image?

If i was to use FILENAME_DEFAULT would that go to the non secure page or secure?


Thanks folks for your help :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks , I don't mind the popup box as the checkout process would have finished.


The reason i need to do this is becuase mod rewrites don't work on the ssl server for my images, so i need it to redirect to the non ssl index page


await for your reply



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