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Shipping to GB always displayed


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I don't know... perhaps I'm being too fussy, but I get this each time I test my (OSC) shopping site. In this case, both Shop and Customer is in the UK. Therefore, it would be nice if this line 'Shipping to UK' was ignored altogether. Perhaps I should search and remove it.

Any ideas, anyone!



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In the ISO code list, there is no such thing as UK, that's why UK doesn't show.


The use of "GB" for "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" surprises some people. However, the United Kingdom and the Ukraine both wanted "UK" so rather than start World War III over the matter, the United Kingdom was assigned "GB" and the Ukraine was assigned "UA."


You can remove the line if you want to by amending the relevant shipping module. Is it really worth it though ? Do you think people don't knowe whether they are in Britain or not ? ;)

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Hi Bert,


Thanks for your comments. I've decided to let well alone for now. There is more important fish to fry and changes to make!!!



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