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WorldPay Callback


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Apologies if this has already been answered but I've scoured the forums for hours looking for the solution



I have WorldPay module 4.0 v1.8 installed on osC 2.2MS2.


Everything works fine but I get stuck on the page https://select.worldpay.com/aequitas/card?o...D=1123234274213


with the message ...

Thank You.

This was NOT a live transaction - no money has changed hands

Thank you, your payment was successful

Merchant's Reference: osCsid=7e9d7ba04514e0f818eab4b16e44e013

WorldPay Transaction ID: 127794864

Please contact WorldPay immediately if there has been a problem making your payment.



I do not get directed back to my site.


What can I check? What is wrong?


Any help appreciated.

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Go into your admin/modules/payment screen and check your worldpay settings.


It looks like you have not changed the mode.



The mode you are working in (100 = Test Mode Accept, 101 = Test Mode Decline, 0 = Live



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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so if it works in test mode then I must be using the wrong return address?


I have the following 'callback url': https://<wpdisplay item="MC_callback">


Is this correct?


I also have the following options checked:


Callback enabled?

Use callback response?

Attach callback data to failure email?


Does the "Your website URL for activation" affect anything?

I have entered "www.rphleisure.co.uk" in here but my site uses SSL. Should it therefore be something like "https://sslrelay.com/rphleisure.co.uk/"


How do I change this?


If it's not working in test mode what else can be wrong?


Many thanks for your help so far!

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When I configured my worldpay account this call back did not work for me


https://<wpdisplay item="MC_callback"


so what I did was put this



and it has worked flawlessly eversince, dont ask me why cos I dont know!



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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