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The e-commerce.

products_new.php returning error


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Anyone know why when I type in

store.mysite.com/products_new.php I get this;


Warning: Division by zero in /home/shoptang/public_html/store/includes/classes/split_page_results.php on line 59

New Products New Products

Displaying 0 to 0 (of 314 new products) Result Pages: -4 -3 -2 -1 0


I dont get one of those blank pages u get when there is a BIG error, its my template store page, but instead of showin products, it just says the above error. and those negative numbers-those are links to new products pages.



When my site was done, I did not like the link that said "this product was added november 1 2004" etc on every product page, so he removed it...could this be the result?



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Anyone know why when I type in

store.mysite.com/products_new.php I get this;


Warning: Division by zero in /home/shoptang/public_html/store/includes/classes/split_page_results.php on line 59

New Products  New Products

Displaying 0 to 0 (of 314 new products)  Result Pages:  -4  -3  -2  -1  0


I dont get one of those blank pages u get when there is a BIG error, its my template store page, but instead of showin products, it just says the above error. and those negative numbers-those are links to new products pages.

When my site was done, I did not like the link that said "this product was added november 1 2004" etc on every product page, so he removed it...could this be the result?




Anyone? does everyones products_new page work fine?

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did you remove the entire table cell from the catalog\products_new.php or you modified it? Can you post that part of the file?

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