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The e-commerce.

paypal integration


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has anybody integrated their oscommerce site with paypal, so all paypal pages look like they are still in your own website?


also, in paypal setup you can enter a url to go back to your site once payment is completed. they suggest you use a url which will say something like:


"thanks for using ********, your order and payment has been processed, you will recieve your order soon"


(or whatever)


do i need to make a page up like this from fresh, or does it already exist. if the former how do i do this?



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has anybody integrated their oscommerce site with paypal, so all paypal pages look like they are still in your own website?


I saw a guy do it in an iframe once. He actually got it looking halfway decent. but it's still a lazy way to do things. If you want customers to stay on your site, use paypal's payments pro, or get your own cc merchant acocunt and payment gateway.


also, in paypal setup you can enter a url to go back to your site once payment is completed. they suggest you use a url which will say something like:


"thanks for using ********, your order and payment has been processed, you will recieve your order soon"


do i need to make a page up like this from fresh, or does it already exist. if the former how do i do this?



NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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opps, checkout_process.php


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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I have a problem with paypal.


I like to integrate the Paypal Pro, but HOW, I am pulling my hair out. Paypal's instructions are so confusing or not clear enought - Step by Step.


Can somebody please clariy Step by Step -.


I had my first order and guess what - paypal did not work. :angry:

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I have a problem with paypal.


I like to integrate the Paypal Pro, but HOW, I am pulling my hair out. Paypal's instructions are so confusing or not clear enought - Step by Step.


Can somebody please clariy Step by Step -.


I had my first order and guess what - paypal did not work. :angry:

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Make sure you are using the correct paypal module if your looking for an easy install I suggest searching the area contributions for oscommerce_paypal_ipn.


It was easy to install and set up and it is an offical version of it paypal gateway.


I have tried many other contributions for paypal and had lots of trouble with the installation.


The one I choose and stay with is the oscommerce_paypal_ipn it was very easy.


Only a suggestion as I am a newbie at OSC and just trying to return to others what I have gotten out of OSC.



Hope this helps good luck.

Thank You In Advance, For Your Assistance

From A Newbie Point Of View...


Happiness is Getting OSC Operating to it's fullest potential and

with the help of Contributors and Forum Moderators, we can all do it. Support the cause. Donate to osCommerce.



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where are all the contibutions and do they have instructions in what they do.




Click the tab Commiunity on the menu bar above

then click contributions and do a search for whatever Contribution you would like.

Thank You In Advance, For Your Assistance

From A Newbie Point Of View...


Happiness is Getting OSC Operating to it's fullest potential and

with the help of Contributors and Forum Moderators, we can all do it. Support the cause. Donate to osCommerce.



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