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The e-commerce.

2 shops one server


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Just use a new database and upload all the files to another directory.


Then edit your configure.php to point to that directory and your new database.



To follow up on this question; Are these the only two lines I'd need to change?

Or every occurrence of /catalog



define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://localhost/catalog2'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers



define('DB_DATABASE', 'osc2');



For instance, I copied my test database and called it osc2, and the copied directory catalog2.




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Was wanting to set up a second seperate os commerce shop on my site


is this possible?


if so how do I go about it


You want the same admin or different admin.If same admin and same data base then you go for Multi store contrinb.

Else just install another osc and another db just both should be differen.



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