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The e-commerce.

PHP links in product text.


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This is my first post on this great forum.

I'm here on a 'mission' from a client that uses osC.


I have not used osCommerce myself so it's an adventure :D


To the problem:

If the client makes a link to a PHP page on another site, like this: 'www.test.com/test.php', in the product text it gets converted to 'www.test.com/test.html'.


The shop uses something that converts the internal links to products and categories so that the real adress is hidden:

Instead of, for instance 'www.myclientsserver.se/index.php?section=Golf', the link is 'http://www.myclientsserver.se/c14/Golf.htm'.


This must be a script on the site because the file does not exist on the server...



I really need help with this! :(


Hope someone here can help me!


/Henrik from Sweden.


(Sorry for any bad english, I'm Swedish! :blush: )

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The site is probably using URL rewriting via a .htaccess file. The Ultimate URL contribution does this.


What exactly is your problem?


When I want to link to a external site with .php at the end the site rewrites the link so that the .php in the end becomes .htm.


Like this:

If I, in admin under a product, types in this:


when I save the product information the link has changed to:



I found out that the linux software and osC is a Ensim package...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found, and solved, the problem.


It was "SEF Link Transformer for osCommerce" that was configed so that it changed every .php to .html.


I made a rule so that when I link to a .php file i write filename.ppp instead, and then transform it to php with the script.

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