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locla host problems


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Hi all i get this message on the admin of my localy set up shop


any pointers at all




Warning: session_start(): open(tmp\sess_e25d00866ab96c1e11c460a33093aecb, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in C:\apache\htdocs\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\admin\includes\functions\sessions.php on line 67


got past all the other localhost problems


set up a couple of shops using lynux on servers no problem but ive never seen this before

im basically setting up the local shop so i can show people it on my laptop

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I'm suspecting you have configured to have your sessions to be store as files in the tmp directory but you have not created the directory itself.


If this is what you want, simply check your catalog folder and see if a tmp directoy exist. If not, create it. This should solve your problem.


However, if you will like to have the sessions stored in your mySQL database, then open catalog/includes/configure.php around the end of file make sure it's set to mysql:


define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql'); // leave empty '' for default handler or set to 'mysql'


Hope that helps... :blush:

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