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Woman about to pack it in

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I've post this question to no avail or answer. Maybe I just didn't put down the right information. I'm ready to go live with my store except for one glitch.


The option name does not show in the attributes in the customer cart or in the order when purchased (but only for text fields, the option name is there for other option type fields). I have an example:


- Package: AP-202

- Color A: A6030-O Slate Gray

- Color B: A6077-O Silver

- : Test Name


The last item is a text field and should read "Boat Name: Test Name"


From what I can gather so far:


1. The options are copying into the customers_basket table, but instead of, for example, the option ID "9" is showing as "txt_9".

2. THe options are copying into the customers_basket_attributes_table.

3. The shopping cart however is not displaying the option name for text fields.

4. Upon purchase of the product, the option name for the text fields are not copying to the orders_products_attributes table.


What php files and more specifically, what coding is responsible for these processes?


Thank-you for any help!


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Please carefully read the installation instruction - I recall that there is *something* mentioned about the text field.... exactly what I can't remember, but I think it would be the cause of your problem......read :D



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Yes!!! Thank-you Matti!


For anyone else looking for the solution to this problem, I'll be more specific:


Look in the Option Types documentation Readme.html under Frequently Asked Questions.


All I needed was someone to point me in the right direction.


Thanks again!

Lisa :D

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