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Internet Explorer Header Whitespace


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Please help when viewing my page in mozilla or netscape there is no added whitespace between my tables and images, however when viewed in internet explorer i have extra whitespace that makes my tabs look horrible


Anyone else run into the same problem??


My cell space and padding are all set to 0 so i don't think this is causing the problem


Code for header follows


<table border="0" width="770" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align = "center">
   <tr class="header">     
     <td valign="middle">
         <?php echo '<a href="http://www.something.com">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'banner.jpg', 'Something Home') . '</a>'; ?>
<table id="Table_01" width="770" height="28" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align = "center">
	 <a href="http://www.something.com/catalog" target="_self">
   <img src="images/finalbar_01.gif" width="71" height="28" border="0" alt="Home"></a></td>
<td background="images/finalbar_02.gif" width="375" height = "28" align ="center"> 
 <form name="searchform" action="/catalog/advanced_search_result.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="search_in_title" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="osCsid" value="143f5c7a8fd489eac41a2e10beea2084"> 
<input type="text" name="keywords" size="20" maxlength="30"><input type="hidden" name="search_in_description" value="1">
<input type="submit" value="Search">   </font><a href = "/catalog/advanced_search.php"> <font color = "white" size = "2">Advanced Search</font></a>
	 <a href="/catalog/account.php" target="_self">
   <img src="images/finalbar_03.gif" width="108" height="28" border="0" alt="My Account"></a></td>
	 <a href="/catalog/shopping_cart.php" target="_self">
   <img src="images/finalbar_04.gif" width="107" height="28" border="0" alt="Shopping Cart"></a></td>
	 <a href="/catalog/checkout_shipping.php" target="_self">
   <img src="images/finalbar_05.gif" width="109" height="28" border="0" alt="Checkout"></a></td>

Thanks For help



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Have you got a URL of the page that it does it on?  So we can see it doing it?



Please Click Here and view the page in both ie and mozilla or netscape to see the difference (see the gap in the header between the header image and the top bar, only visable in internet explorer)


Any help here would be superb





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