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Worldpay Integration Issue (help!)


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I have installed the worldpay module version 1.8 from the contributions. I have everything setup in worldpay admin as per the instructions, but when I try and test purchase something I get the following:


Secure Payment Page

Sorry, there was an error in processing this transaction:

The information sent from the merchant's site is invalid or incomplete. Please send the following information to the merchant:

The transaction cannot be processed due to one or more of the following:


the installation ID field is blank or contains invalid characters

a different submission protocol is required. For instance, a more secure submission may be required

the installation number is invalid


I have checked the select junior ID and appears to be correct, I am using HTTP not HTTPS!


The ID starts with 122 and is 6 characters in length


I have added all the code as per the instructions in the contribution, Do I need to modify any of the code on the OS Commerce side for Worldpay?


any help would be gratefully received!!


please help!

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I have entered the information in the payment module section of the admin, but it just gives me that error or sometimes this one:


WorldPay Processing Error

No transaction session available


No payment information is available. This means one of the following has occurred:

you have completed or cancelled your payment

you have cookies disabled. To complete your payment enable cookies, press the 'back' button on your browser until you reach the first WorldPay payment page and start again.

you were delayed in completing your payment and your session at WorldPay has timed out. Press the 'back' button until you are back at the supplier's site and resubmit your payment.

there was a misconfiguation on the supplier's site. Please contact the supplier and explain the circumstances of the problem.

If you still cannot resolve the problem then contact [email protected].

Note: Please check that you have not received an email receipt before resubmitting your order.If you wish to view your existing WorldPay accounts, you can login at

the WorldPay admin URL


Sorry - there was an error in processing of this payment.

Note: This error may be due to the configuration of your browser. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6, please click here for more details.



Please send the following information to [email protected] so that we can investigate:



Server ID = mggwcc5a:WPReq-2095479



The site it is trying to access is:





I was under the impression you could use both https and http?


any help would be massively appreciated!!!


thanks for the replies so far

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