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The e-commerce.

is there a IPN gateway for alertpay.com ?


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I just signed up for a alertpay.com business account.

and they seem to be simular to paypal.

but I was wondering if any one has or is working on a IPN cart mod for oscommerce or cre loaded oscommerce for alertpay.com ?

cause this seems to be a new type of paypal system..

please let me know if there is a mod for alertpay.com ?


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  • 3 years later...

I just signed up for a alertpay.com business account.

and they seem to be simular to paypal.

but I was wondering if any one has or is working on a IPN cart mod for oscommerce or cre loaded oscommerce for alertpay.com ?

cause this seems to be a new type of paypal system..

please let me know if there is a mod for alertpay.com ?



Yes!help~ is there have ?

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