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The e-commerce.

Manufacturer subcategories??


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The store that am building sells product from 15+ manufacturers.. most of these manufacturers have different lines within.. and different catgories as well where the merchandise will fall


Manufact A

Line 1a

item 1 <-category a

item 2 <-category b

Line 2a

item 1 <-category a

item 2 <-category b


Manufact B

Line 1b

item 1 <-category a

item 2 <-category b

Line 2b

item 1 <-category a

item 2 <-category b



I set up the categories and the manufacturers.. and am working on the spreadsheet for easy populate..


I se and understand when you are browsing a manufacturer you get the little SHOW CATEGORIES box .. when you are browsing the categories, you get the SHOW MANUFACTURES box..


Without making a whole other set of categories for the LINES.. how else can I go about having some kind of field, dropdown for a LINE..


I;m thinking soe kind of a MOD for anufacturer subcategories.. I did an extensive search and unless I am using the worng wording can not come up with anything that looks like what I want..

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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