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Heading Title Erors


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Hi, Im getting Heading Title error in my sub-categories. It just says Heading_Title instead of the name of the category. And for the table headings for the products, Im getting this: TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS+ TABLE_HEADING_PRICE TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW . And not only that, these are clickable and when highlighted says, sort products, price by ascending,. Does anyone have any ideas how I might fix this or which files I need to work in?? I bought the manual but it doesnt have troubleshooting area for problems. I sure would appreciate some help. I'm a newbie and am trying to get this shop up and running ASAP. Thanks, Diana

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The defines have been deleted from your language files (/languages/ directory). Best to look at some fresh files and replace what you have deleted. If you wish text not to display, simply leave it blank between the quotes, but do not delete the define altogether :P



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I couldn't find a 'directory' file, but I did some comment out in the database file. That is probably where my problem is. Where do I find the fresh files? Here is my database file code...Thanks!



$Id: database_tables.php,v 1.1 2003/03/14 02:10:58 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License


//define the database table names used in the project

define('TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK', 'address_book');

define('TABLE_ADDRESS_FORMAT', 'address_format');

define('TABLE_BANNERS', 'banners');

define('TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY', 'banners_history');

define('TABLE_CATEGORIES', 'categories');

define('TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION', 'categories_description');

define('TABLE_CONFIGURATION', 'configuration');

define('TABLE_CONFIGURATION_GROUP', 'configuration_group');

define('TABLE_COUNTER', 'counter');

define('TABLE_COUNTER_HISTORY', 'counter_history');

define('TABLE_COUNTRIES', 'countries');

define('TABLE_CURRENCIES', 'currencies');

define('TABLE_CUSTOMERS', 'customers');

define('TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET', 'customers_basket');

define('TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET_ATTRIBUTES', 'customers_basket_attributes');

define('TABLE_CUSTOMERS_INFO', 'customers_info');

define('TABLE_LANGUAGES', 'languages');

define('TABLE_MANUFACTURERS', 'manufacturers');

define('TABLE_MANUFACTURERS_INFO', 'manufacturers_info');

define('TABLE_ORDERS', 'orders');

define('TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS', 'orders_products');

define('TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES', 'orders_products_attributes');

define('TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_DOWNLOAD', 'orders_products_download');

define('TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS', 'orders_status');

define('TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY', 'orders_status_history');

define('TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL', 'orders_total');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS', 'products');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES', 'products_attributes');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES_DOWNLOAD', 'products_attributes_download');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION', 'products_description');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_NOTIFICATIONS', 'products_notifications');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS', 'products_options');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES', 'products_options_values');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES_TO_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS', 'products_options_values_to_products_options');

define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES', 'products_to_categories');

define('TABLE_REVIEWS', 'reviews');

define('TABLE_REVIEWS_DESCRIPTION', 'reviews_description');

define('TABLE_SESSIONS', 'sessions');

define('TABLE_SPECIALS', 'specials');

define('TABLE_TAX_CLASS', 'tax_class');

define('TABLE_TAX_RATES', 'tax_rates');

define('TABLE_GEO_ZONES', 'geo_zones');

define('TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES', 'zones_to_geo_zones');

define('TABLE_WHOS_ONLINE', 'whos_online');

define('TABLE_ZONES', 'zones');









The defines have been deleted from your language files (/languages/ directory).  Best to look at some fresh files and replace what you have deleted.  If you wish text not to display, simply leave it blank between the quotes, but do not delete the define altogether  :P



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'directory' isn't a file.... I meant that you have edited files in your /languages/ directory - eg. index.php has:


 define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', '');


Defines like the above must be left intact.... you can edit them like this:


define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', 'My Text');


You can download a fresh package here



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