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1054 Error


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1054 - Unknown column 'customers_firstname' in 'field list'


select customers_firstname, customers_lastname from customers where customers_id = '46'





For some bizarre reason only known to me I have removed all feilds from the create account page and replaced them with


customers_username ~ User name

customers_email_address ~ E-Mail Address


Customer table now looks like below









Anyone Know how I can fix it? I have found some code which relates to it, I think, in \pkg\upgrade_3


$reviews_query = osc_db_query("select r.reviews_id, re.products_id, re.customers_id, r.reviews_rating, re.date_added, re.reviews_read, r.reviews_text from reviews r, reviews_extra re where r.reviews_id = re.reviews_id order by r.reviews_id");

while ($reviews = osc_db_fetch_array($reviews_query)) {

$customer_query = osc_db_query("select customers_firstname, customers_lastname from customers where customers_id = '" . $reviews['customers_id'] . "'");

if (osc_db_num_rows($customer_query)) {

$customer = osc_db_fetch_array($customer_query);

$customers_name = $customer['customers_firstname'] . ' ' . $customer['customers_lastname'];

} else {

$customers_name = '';



Many thanks



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For some bizarre reason only known to me I have removed all feilds from the create account page and replaced them with

well with this, dont know what else to say other than replace the code with original

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well with this, dont know what else to say other than replace the code with original


But what is it trying to do? It is looking for fields that are not there, I can cure it by putting the fields back but that is not a real solution as it leaves unwanted code fields.

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That code is from the MS3 create account page - and the MS3 create account page is not yet complete.  There are whole chunks of code misssing from it.




I am using


$Id: create_account.php,v 1.65 2003/06/09 23:03:54 hpdl Exp $


I am trying to find where the code is that the error refers too so I can change it


1054 - Unknown column 'customers_firstname' in 'field list'


What or where is the 'field list' or am I on the wrong track?

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It comes from the list of fields in the 'customers' table in the osCommerce database.


I recommend doing two things:

1. Restore the create_account.php page if oyu have been editing it.

2. Check in your database, via phpMyAdmin, to make sure that all of the fields are there.



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It comes from the list of fields in the 'customers' table in the osCommerce database.


I recommend doing two things:

1.  Restore the create_account.php page if oyu have been editing it.

2.  Check in your database, via phpMyAdmin, to make sure that all of the fields are there.




I have restored the fields





And this fixes the problem but the fields are not used and I would prefer if they were not there.


Something somewhere is looking for the fields and I was hoping to edit it out, what is this info being used for? Maybe I could change it to look at





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