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Admin page links incorrect


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Hi all,


I have just completed a fresh install of 2.2 and found that when access any of the configuration links I am direct to the wrong directory ie




when in fact it should be




Anybody know what went wrong with this straight forward install ?


Is there any easy way to sort this ? (im guessing having to reinstall)



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Check your configuration in "catalog/admin/includes/configure.php". Around lines 19-20, look for the following and make sure it's pointing to the right path:


define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/catalog/admin/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/sitename/catalog/admin/'); // absolute pate required

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thanks people, but I just gave right in and started again.


Everythings is now looking a lot better and slowy getting my head round the many files used to generate the catalog page.


Now to figure out why my pics are being stretched and skewed :blink:

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Under Configuration --> Images in your osC admin panel, just define the width and leave the height blank - and that will prevent the small images from becoming distorted.



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