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The graphic on the left is fine, the graphic on right... well... it's a bit out of place, I'd get rid of it.


The overall layout and appearance is spot on.


The header has what seems to be a review or testimonial, it should be italicized and in quotes.


***Edit**** I see now it's a pic of the person who does the testimonial. The names don't match the gender. A black guy named Sue and a woman named Alan, a sexy chick named John? Get rid of the pics of the people, it's confusing the hell out me. Plus it makes it seem as though you made it up.


a 2x4 link set in the header seem a bit bulky. I would try to put them all on one line.


Overall it Looks great. Professional (to a point).




consultancy -no such word. try using... 'part time computer consultant'...


whilst is out of context, just use the word 'while'.


if you know someone... click here ...know about us. 'click here should be either underlined, bold or another color since it is a link.


"Please read our Terms & Conditions of sale here" same thing, and drop 'of sale here'. it's not necessary.


Nice job!

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luvvly jubbly .... very nice.


I'd only have 2 points (but these things are so subjective)


1. the arrow on the back button is cartoonish and out of character

2. In my lexicon .... consultancy is kosher :-)

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A black man named beth? That really bugs me. I would put the quotes in quotes and loose the names.


You call your cart a "basket" but then it says "your shopping cart is empty"...pick one. Don't call it a cart sometimes and a basket others.

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