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A Little Bug With The Price Displaying


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I work with a Info Shop and my boss requested me a Virtual Shop, with some modifications.


First, he requested that the Index Page shouldn't display the prices if the visitor are not logged in the system. Ok, I used a Contribution called "ViewPrices" (I forgot the link at now...).


Second, he requested a Mail Validation when a new user registers. The solution I've found was modify the files, one by one, to avoid script loss from the first modification. A curious bug appeared.


In Index Page, that Standard Product Listing (that box in the bottom of the page, with 9 recent products) began to show all the values equal to $0,00 when a user is logged in. In the same page, the box "products_new" shows the price correctly. All the rest of the site is working normal, too.


Well, now I'm asking all of you what documents I should look and alter to display the prices correctly. I've readed the modules/product_listing.php and I believe it's the file I have to modify.


The website in Question is: http://www.infonb.com.br. Feel free to sign up to make the tests.


Thank You.

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