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The e-commerce.

Ready to test out my clothing website


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Thank you for any feedback. Please let me know anything you do not like about the site, or problems you have found.


Feel free to sign up and put an order through.


One problem I havn't been able to fix is that the left hand column is wider in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer. Anyone know the reason?



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Currently I am working on the 'shipping & returns' and changing that to a 'help' section with all the info someone could want.


Also I am changin the 'policies' page to 'forum' and incorporating a forum into my shop.

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Slightly stock look, but still nice looking.....


If i should suggest someting it would to redisign your box headers to better match the header..it would give your site an extra individual touch and make it very nice indeed....


Also add a thumbnail contribution, it will both make the thumbs look better and make your site load time faster....

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Wasnt quite sure what your company is about.


The name makes me think of a charity or a medical supplies company, but you are a clothing site, is that right?

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