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coupon or promo code contrib


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Anyone know of a simple coupon code contrib? CCandGV seems a bit overkill I think, alot to integrate.


I simply want to make up a code number, place a field in the checkout, and if a customer enters the proper number, they get a percentage discount of their order.


Any ideas? I searched through the contribs but can't find anything like it.

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Anyone know of a simple coupon code contrib?  CCandGV seems a bit overkill I think, alot to integrate.


I simply want to make up a code number, place a field in the checkout, and if a customer enters the proper number, they get a percentage discount of their order.


Any ideas?  I searched through the contribs but can't find anything like it.


I am looking for the same thing, but it needs to be simple as I am not confident if it involves modifying multiple php scripts as it is bound to lead to tears.

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I am looking for the same thing, but it needs to be simple as I am not confident if it involves modifying multiple php scripts as it is bound to lead to tears.




Hi guys,

Can you advise where I can get the option for Gift Vouchers installed on my OSCOMMERCE. I am a newbie, i know some php but not a great deal, and any help will be great




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there are more then a few of these contribs. the biggest, or rather most used of the bunch is Credit Gift Discount Voucher....you'll find it in the contrib section. In fact, I think it's usually on the top of the list for most popular downloads.


beware though, it's been nothing but a headache for me. The support forum on the actual contrib is like 100 pages or something....it's very hard to find your exact errors.

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I will admit that the "Credit Card and Gift Voucher" contrib is quite complex, and the install instructions incomplete, but I did get it working. The gift voucher usage model is a bit weird, though, not what people would expect. For coupons, though, it is very nice.

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