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The e-commerce.

"Product Attributes" look funky


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I'm in the process of building a jewelry shop, and would very much like to use the "Product Attributes" option in the catalog. "These earrings come in red coral, pearl, tourmaline and turquoise, please choose", and so on.


My problem is this: In my version, this page looks nothing like the screenshot in the

Knowledge Base.


This is what I see: attributes.gif


Could this be because I imported the existing database from the osC package?


And if so, what to do?





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No wonder it does not match, then... Feeling a little goofy here :blush:


Can anyone point me in the right direction, either to some description/help for the existing "Product Attributes" or a contribution that can help me to get the desired effect?





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I would reiterate Kirstine's request!


Having spent a fair bit of time trawling around the user forum / contributions pages this raises a couple of issues (unless I'm just being plain thick - happy to stand corrected if I am wrong)....


I'm currently at the stage of adding products to a designer clothing site which need "size" attributes adding. I've seen the previous posts on this - yes, its a real pain in the proverbial having to add each attibute to every individual item...


And using the version of the Admin utility as highlighted by Kirstine's screenshot, there is no apparent way to access any options to play about with Attibute "groups/sets"... this kinda renders the contributions on this subject unusable.


Or am I missing something...? Just want to save myself a few hours here... and more importantly when I pass this site over to the client there will be some real groans when they learn they'll have to go through the same tedious process every time they switch from Summer to Winter product ranges and back again!


Any tips/hints... much appreciated..


Best wishes


Mark Warin

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