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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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you need to read thru the docs, it explains what directory needs to be created and the file permissions necessary (777)


I have read all through the docs and I know how to change file permissions. I changed the correct files (including the temp directory) to 777 but it still does not work.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I'm trying to fix a similar problem. First of all you need to change the temp directory path....


See the double backslash?


Change the temp directory in the easypopulate.php by removing the first back slash. It should help...HOWEVER



I'm stuck at this point. I upgraded easypopulate to EP_v2_76_MS2 and now nothing is uplolading to the database. My old version would import the files from my computer, now it appears it imports from the temp directory, right?


I'll select the file to import from temp, but nothing gets imported to my store.

It just sits there, no streaming data, no error. It just gives me a blank stare and says

Filename: STOCK-Needles.txt





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I have a couple questions. First, I am trying to use OpenOffice to open the complete EP database so I can start putting in my products. Problem is, there is no tab deliminated or csv option when it asks for character set. Anyone have any idea what I need to open it with and start editing?


My next question is dealing with the spreadsheet after it is open. The qualifiers that are in there (ie products_model), do they go across the top row? I read through the manual, but it doesn't explain this very well.


Before replying saying I should just use excel, please understand that Micro$oft charges too much and I much prefer OpenOffice anyway.


Might this be easier if I created a db using a database program and code the fields using the example in the EP download?


Thanks for any help


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My next question is dealing with the spreadsheet after it is open.  The qualifiers that are in there (ie products_model), do they go across the top row?  I read through the manual, but it doesn't explain this very well.


Here's how to change the qualifier. Taken from the EP documentation.

EasyPopulate will import tab, comma, semi-colon, or any other user-defined-separator delimited files.  The default separator is a tab.  If you have tabs in your product descriptions, it's going to cause problems.  If you save from Excel as a "csv" file, it won't work.  If you want to change the separator, there is a variable in the configuration section of easypopulate.php.  Whatever you change it to, test it!  Remember that any of those separator characters anywhere in your data will cause EP to think that's another column of data!

You'll have to search through the easypopulate.php to find the section. It will explain there.


Before replying saying I should just use excel, please understand that Micro$oft charges too much and I much prefer OpenOffice anyway. 


You could always try Quattro Pro if you are apposed to Micro$oft. Cuattro will allow product descriptions larger than 256 characters.


Might this be easier if I created a db using a database program and code the fields using the example in the EP download?


Thats what I do. I use an custom Access database (yeah, it stinks, but it works). My accounting software is Quickbooks, so I export my inventories and price changes to an Excel spreadsheat, which is linked to my database. I can then edit my database, and export it back to my spreadsheet. It then gets coverted to a tab delimited file.


You can export your data directly from the database, but I found out the hard way, its worth the extra step. The spreadsheet will help filter any errors in the data, such as an extra tab here and there, which will help protect your store from getting really messed up. I do agree the database is a big help though. Links manufactures, pictures, additional product info, inventories...anything you could need.


Good luck

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Here's how to change the qualifier. Taken from the EP documentation.


You'll have to search through the easypopulate.php to find the section. It will explain there.



Yes, but my question was if I used the spreadsheet to set up my products, do the qualifiers (not tab, colon semi-colon) go across the top in the first row? I am referring to the things like product_model; product_catagory etc etc.. I tried to explain in my previous post, but I guess I wasn't clear. When I open the file in Open Office Spreadsheet, it shows it all clumped together as if it were open in notepad. Would my product info go down the column or do those qualifiers go down the first column and my product info would go down the next column.


Like would it go

product_model product_catagory product_price product_description Eoreor

ABC123 Housewares 12.50 Rose colored pot holder Eoreor




product_model ABC123

product_catagory Housewares

product_price 12.50

Eoreor Eoreor




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Hi Guys. I'm running up against something while using EP to export my froogle data. The problem I'm having is not with EP, but more with getting it to do what I want. My store sells vinyl decals. I would like each product in the froogle file to have " 6 inch Vinyl Decal" appended to the item name. I've wadded through the code a bit and tried to hard code it in, but I haven't been able to find the right spot.


The workaround I've been using is to manually add this information in in Excel. This is getting to be painful as I add more and more decals.


To recap, I'm trying to pull the existing product names like:



Ain't Skeered

Lone Wolf


to be converted to:


Dreamcatcher 6 inch Vinyl Decal

Ain't Skeered 6 inch Vinyl Decal

Lone Wolf 6 inch Vinyl Decal


for the froogle exported data only.


Many thanks!

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Well, I decided to just try it. I put the stuff across the top row then on the second row I added a product. I saved as csv/text (Open Office does not have tab-deliminated that I could see). I tried to upload using the easy populate thingy in my admin screen and got an error.


Filename: test


Warning: file(/www/a/l/alltheaboveweb.com/htdocs/store/catalog//catalog/temp/test): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/a/alltheabovew/htdocs/store/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 683


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/a/alltheabovew/htdocs/store/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 688



It doesn't matter if I use mine or EP's. I get the same error. I didn't change anything on the file because I just wanted to see if I could dl & ul first as instructed.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Can anyone help with this? I reinstalled EP and followed all the tweak instructions at the very beginning of the manual. I downloaded the complete.txt file, put it into my temp directory then told EP to import from tempdir. Still got the error


Filename: EP2005Jun30-1806


Warning: file(/www/a/l/alltheaboveweb.com/htdocs/store/catalog/temp/EP2005Jun30-1806): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/a/alltheabovew/htdocs/store/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 683


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/a/alltheabovew/htdocs/store/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 688



I didn't even open the file. I know its pointing to the correct tempdir and I know the file is sitting in there. I also know it is chmod'd correctly. What I don't understand is why it is looking at the admin directory to upload from the temp dir to the db. I also have no clue what this invalid arguement is unless it is a problem in the program itself as I only changed the variables at the very beginning to make sure they matched my stuff.


Ok.. Now I just uploaded the sample_input_file and it said it uploaded, however, I'm not showing any products.


Any help please? If I started doing this manually and later get this EP figured out, will that cancel out any items I have manually inserted or will it add to them?




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I use an admin management contrib, cant remember the name, but it allows you to delete all products (and much more) with one click. You can then just upload to EP with the new amended file.


Sorry for the dealy in my answer. I did it in same way, but problem is that all categorie-descriptions were deleted, so a deletion-flag would be a good feature in future.

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I've been using EP for more than 6 months now and everything has been fine. I recently tried to upload a file and received this error -



Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/public_html/catalog/temp/EP2005Jul02-1503.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/domain/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/php1M077f' to '/home/public_html/catalog/temp/EP2005Jul02-1503.txt' in /home/domain/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32



File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/php1M077f

User filename: EP2005Jul02-1503.txt

Size: 3310


Warning: file(/home/public_html/catalog/temp/EP2005Jul02-1503.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/domain/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 657


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/domain/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 680




I did a search and found some info about changing the temp directory. I've done that several times, took out one line, tried the other line, checked permissions on my temp directory, etc. and still no luck.


Anyone have any other ideas?




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if things have been working then you need to check with your host, to see what they have changed, unless you have been doing any programming/modifying

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Thanks for a great contribution - I installed it tonight and it works beautifully. (Small apostrophe issue, but I know I read about that somewhere in this thread before I installed, so that's just a matter of going back through the posts after I've gotten some sleep.)


One thing I did want to mention, however, is that despite having read that Easy Populate won't work with multiple entries for the same item (with the same product_model number) in the file to upload, I tried it anyway -- and it worked just fine! I stuck in an item twice, in two consecutive rows in the spreadsheet file, with identical information except for the category where it should go. EP added the product to both categories as a link (not two individual copies -- this is just the behavior I wanted). I guess it pays to try to break the rules after all :-).


I don't know if somewhere in this thread there's a post saying someone added this functionality along the line somewhere, but if so, I just wanted to shout out a big THANKS, because it's wonderful. And if no one did add this functionality, then I don't know why it's working for me, but I sure hope it keeps on working. I'd be interested to hear if it works for others, too.


I installed version 2.76b from 30 Apr 2005, by the way.





Grayson Morris

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Thanks Grayson, for letting others know the installation is fairly easy, as most do not read or follow the instructions, which causes just about all the failures.

It is a pretty simple install, has no effect on other programs, as it runs separately.

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Thanks Grayson, for letting others know the installation is fairly easy, as most do not read or follow the instructions, which causes just about all the failures.

It is a pretty simple install, has no effect on other programs, as it runs separately.



Unfortunately im having trouble understanding what is required to do this install, i know the help files are their but about understanding what is needed or being explained to be done, sorry but my knowledge on this stuff is zero.


im lost as i dont understand what to do here


4. Make sure that you have a directory called catalog/temp, and that it's permissions are set to allow writes to that directory (while you're in the catalog directory, execute "chmod 777 temp").


If you have changed the directory structure of your OSC install (i.e. you don't have /catalog/temp/ in your document root anymore), then you'll need to go into easypopulate.php and change the setting of "$tempdir".


i did not have temp file so added 1 to catalog


my store is in catalog/admin/index.php do i change the temp and temp2 file above to tempdir".=catalog/admin.


Also regarding the froogle does your site need to be on line when setting the www.yourdomain address and when setting the froogle account do i leave out the www till it is on line and can it be tested just of the database.


sorry for the long message, but i prefer to install this myself , but are always willing to ask for help as required (people in this forum are always great for help, and i do appreciate it) so as to learn more about my site, but i need this EP up and running as to be able to access a business grant from my government ( new zealand) for further equipment.


if i get in trouble is their somebody that could install for me if i get desperate, as time is running out to access grant.


thanxs derek.


also is this the best place to ask for help(hopefully not as long winded as this one) the only contrib i have installed is wysiwyg editor.

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Thanks Grayson, for letting others know the installation is fairly easy, as most do not read or follow the instructions, which causes just about all the failures.

It is a pretty simple install, has no effect on other programs, as it runs separately.

Sure thing! You know, I've been a member here since March, and in that time there isn't a single thing I haven't found an answer for by searching long enough here on the forums--and believe me, I've had plenty of questions! What a fantastic resource.





Grayson Morris

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I am new to osCommerce and PHP, but I have managed to get osC installed and setup properly to accept payments, now I am trying to add products using Easy Populate.  I tried uploading my own Excel spreadsheet with one product, but it did not work so I have tried uploading the same file that downloads from the Admin page of Easy Populate: EP2005Jun22-2210.txt


I did not change anything, but tried to upload the file in the section "Upload UP File" section.  This is the error I get:




Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/upgrade/public_html/catalog//catalog/temp/EP2005Jun22-2210.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/upgrade/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpZ0Be9Q' to '/home/upgrade/public_html/catalog//catalog/temp/EP2005Jun22-2210.txt' in /home/upgrade/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32

File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpZ0Be9Q

User filename: EP2005Jun22-2210.txt

Size: 62585


Warning: file(/home/upgrade/public_html/catalog//catalog/temp/EP2005Jun22-2210.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/upgrade/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 666


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/upgrade/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 689




Does anyone have any idea what is causing this?  I have tried searching the thread, but it's so large.  I have had no such luck.  :'(


Thanks in advance.


Try changing the tempfile to just /temp/ instead of /catalog/temp/


That should fix the problem

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I am having problems with EP, I have installed v2.76 (previously had 2.74 and then 2.75) and have had the same problem with all versions. Using OpenOffice 1.1.4 spreadsheet to create the file. Upload txt file of 2600+ products and use split funtion to break them into files of 300 lines. Have tried importing file from temp directory and from my computer to temp file and get the same error each time:


Filename: EP_Split1.txt

| 1506 | | BRASS/SHIP | SOLID BRAS | | | | | | | | 159.95 | | | | 0 | | New Upload | | | Taxable Go | Updated (this is the first line which gets imputted correctly


The following is a portion of the rest of the text file

| 1932 "C | 2018 "1 | 3235 "M | 3369 "M | 3539 "1 | 3758 "M | 3980 "P | 6702 "B | 7400 "M | 9129 "5 | 9835 "P | 20049 " | 20100 " | 20223 " | 20302 " |


When i look at the file with notepad++ i see a cr/lf after the EOREOR and another cr between the lines (windows format). i have tried changing the format to Unix which results in the cr/lf and cr being converted into just a lf. Either format still gives an error of the first item being input as new product or updated depending on whether the product was already there or not.


Server Host: alamo.ezoshosting.com ( Database Host: localhost (

Server OS: Linux 2.4.21-20.ELsmp Database: MySQL 4.1.11-standard-log

Server Date: 07/04/2005 08:12:20 Datebase Date: 07/04/2005 08:12:20

Server Up Time: 08:12:20 up 2 days, 21:14, 0 users, load average: 1.81, 2.05, 2.39

HTTP Server: Apache

PHP Version: 5.0.4 (Zend: 2.0.4-dev) running in safe mode


Do you have any suggestions on how to fix the problem. It appears that the lines after the first product do not see the tabs, i also am uploading without images

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first thing i see there, is your server load average, you must be on a shared server and you will be having numerous problems with slow load of pages, peope will complain, etc. it needs to be below 1.00 (this doesnt fix your ep problem tho).

set in your admin/includes/configure.php file document_root to $DOCUMENT_ROOT

you also have " in your text, what is that from?

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What would cause Easypopulate to continue adding existing products as new products?


I have about 300 products. All products but about 15 will update properly. The 15 in question always get added as a new products which creates duplicate entries.


The 15 are from the same manufacturer so there must be a common element for them that caused this but I can't seem to figure out what triggers a new product to track it down.


Thanks for the help and for a great contribution!

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