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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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I got easypopulate functioning but not working.


I'm getting this in my easypopulate, I assume it's an error with my data but I'm not sure what that is.


File uploaded.

Termporary filename: D:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php28.tmp

User filename: delimit.txt

Size: 324215

| ARCL97A | ARCL97A.gi | ARCL97A | Full Kit 1 | | | | | | | | 130 | 5 | | | | 1 | Color | Farbe | Color | 2 | Size | Gr??e | Talla | 3 | | | | 4 | | | | 5 | | | | Acura | CL | 1997 | | --none-- | Active Updated

| ACR-10A; | ARCL01A; | ARCL01B; | ARCL01C; | ARCL01D; | ARMX03A; | ARMX03B; | ARMX01A; | ARMX01B; | ARMX01C; | ARMX04A; | ARMX04B; | ARMX04C; | ARMX04D; | ARMX04E; | ARMX03OA | ARMX05A; | ARMX05B; | ARMX05C; | ARMX05D; | ARMX05E; | ACR-6A;A | ACR-1A;A | ACR-1C;A | ACR-1B;A | ACR-12A; | ACR-12B; | ACR-11A; | ACR-11B; | ARTL04C; | ARTL04D; | ARTL04N; | ARTL04A; | ARTL04B; | ARTL04M; | BMW-3A;B | BMW-3B;B | BMW-3C;B | BMW-S5-1 | BMW-2A;B | BMW-2B;B | X-BMW-1B | X-BMW-1A | BMW-X5-1




No errors yet I only get one entry into the database. A sample of my data is here:














ARCL97A;ARCL97A.gif;ARCL97A;Full Kit 15 Pcs;;;;;;;;130 ;5;;;;1;Color;Farbe;Color;2;Size;Gr??e;Talla;3;;;;4;;;;5;;;;Acura ;CL;1997;;--none--;Active;EOREOR

ACR-10A;ACR-10A.gif;ACR-10A;Full Kit Match OEM 14 Pcs;;;;;;;;130 ;5;;;;1;Color;Farbe;Color;2;Size;Gr??e;Talla;3;;;;4;;;;5;;;;Acura ;CL;1998-2000;;--none--;Active;EOREOR



I don't have any spaces or data after EOREOR.


I look forward to your responses.



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When people say "download file from database", are you exporting the database?  How are you doing this, a mysql dump?


With the contribution EasyPopulate you can export the articles from the (relational) osCommerce database in a flat file (non-relational) form. This makes it easier to get to your list of articles.

Also, you can import articles into the osCommerce database from e.g. an Excel spreadsheet through a flat file.

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With the contribution EasyPopulate you can export the articles from the (relational) osCommerce database in a flat file (non-relational) form. This makes it easier to get to your list of articles.

Also, you can import articles into the osCommerce database from e.g. an Excel spreadsheet through a flat file.



Thanx JimmyJam. I figured it out after the fact. That's how I followed up with the second post. Still having issues with data formatting(i think).

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Why on a clean install of OSCommerce when I upload an EP file with some new field it's never shown in the right place?

And also why is it Inactive by default when I did the correction in the easypopulate file and its quantity is not zero?

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Now I am also getting this error when trying to update my products with easypopulate


File uploaded. 
Temporary filename: /tmp/phpvv3aZ0
User filename: import.txt
Size: 43976

Nothing is getting updated...


I haven't changed anything at all in my files. Anyone know the reason for this.

Edited by MikeMike
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Now I am also getting this error when trying to update my products with easypopulate


File uploaded. 
Temporary filename: /tmp/phpvv3aZ0
User filename: import.txt
Size: 43976

Nothing is getting updated...


I haven't changed anything at all in my files. Anyone know the reason for this.



Nevermind... I found an error in my txt file

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When using osCommerce, where is the association between category and product made by index.php?



I see the associations exist in the "categories_to_products" table after running the installation with osCommerce. However, osCommerce doesn't bring up the products after navigating through the categories.

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Hi all


I have just used the easypopulate and everything worked fine except that out of 400 products whici there are all active, only 91 showed but active and the rest inactive.


I tried a few times and every time I had the same amount active/inactive. Checked the file I am uploading and the all active expect 4


Why this pecularity?



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did you read thru your easypopulate.php file and edit accordingly to active/inactive with stock?

do you have inventory counts in the items marked inactive?

those two things tie together. and the installation file explicitely states very strongly to get it working properly you need to read the file.

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you stll need to read the file to make the changes to the code.


I cant perform any kind of download from easy populate, i click on the links which then refreshes the page and does nothing. Neither the save to temp or save locally work. I have edited the temp variables with various versions of the path, although im working from base install. Im running on a php5 server but cant find any issues, and no error messages?

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I get the following when i try to upload my data. Only the first row in the spreadsheet is uploading.


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpGo8N6e

User filename: test2.txt


| 10001 | 10001.jpg | Inflatable | 4" (10c | | 22.5 | 1 | 0000-00-00 | 18/01/2005 | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Toys | xxxx| xxxxx| None | Active Updated

| 10002 10 | 10003 10 | 10004BLK | 10004FSH | 10005 10 | 10006 10 | 10007 10 | 10008 10 | 10009 10 | 10010 10 | 10011 10 | 10012 10 | 10013 10 | 10014 10 | 10015 10 | 10016 10 | 10017PUR | 10018PNK | 10018PUR | 10019BLU | 10019PNK | 10019PUR | 10020BLU | 10020PNK | 10020PUR | 10021BLU | 10021PNK | 10021PUR | 10022PNK | 10023PNK | 10024PNK | 10025BLU | 10025GRN | 10026BLU | 10026ORA | 10026PUR | 10026RED | 10027PUR | 10027RED | 10028ORA | 10029PUR | 10030NAT | 10031BLU | 10031PUR | 10031RED |


the rest of the products dont upload, i definitely have a EOREOR on the end of lines and it is tab delimited any ideas could it be php5 ive applied the fix to easy populate but to no avail?

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each line must end with EOREOR


They are but it appears to be only reading the first 8 characters from each row hence the above the EOREOR are there but it reads the first line hits EOR, then reads the first 8 characters moves to the next line reads 8 characters, moves to the next line, etc never reading the EOREORs

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Hi all again


I have just noticed that when a manufacturer has apostrophy in the name ie: "Regent's Park", it create a new manufactuer... I have 4 manu.. with apostrophy and they all been recreated. Is there any way I can avoid that?





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