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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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could be what your host has setup for files which get created/written


OK, given that httpd is running with owner apache I can see why the file is created with that owner. I guess there some form of umask in php or apache which could be set to allow default permissions of 666 or 644 on any files created. Are there any security implications on changing this?


Could anyone out there confirm what owners & permissions are being set on their created ep files in tempdir.




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from portion of your file:

466-63 466.jpg Single Light ceiling flushmount with etched Marble glass <br>Nouveau Bronze metal finish. "Nouveau Collection<br>Transitional Design<br>Width:11"" x Height:7.375"" <br> Lamps:1 x 60Watt Medium Base." none $36.30 $28.05 $16.50


the prices are in dollars, just use numbers.


i also noticed you had an additional field in the list, did you program that into the easypopulate.php file for upload/download?

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I'm trying to add a second price on my products with EP (our price vs. retail).

I uncommented out the 2 lines of code in the php file





and then added these two catagories in my spread sheet and put in a price for "price" and then put in 1 for "group id" not really sure what I'm supposed to put there.

But anyway, nothing is happening :huh:

Am I supposed to be doing anything more?


Any one have any ideas?




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your actual database on the server is your real database, easy populate only pulls the information you ask it to pull down


Is there anyone that would take some time to explain this to me, I'm totally new to all of this. I'm in PHPMyAdmin, and I'm trying to add the extra price catagory in the database.

I'm seeing a "products_options_values_to_products_options" catagory, and it has the options value id in it. Is this what I want? And what do I modify, Null, Deafault, Extra???


Sorry I'm so lost here, Thanks for any help



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I've helped someone setup a site with osc about 6 months ago, its been working pretty well. They sell a lot of products that are individual. Currently there are about 5000+ products on the site. I now want to configure easy populate for future additions and have a few issues/questions.


#1 When they were adding products, they weren't doing it very standardized, so I would like to pull all the products, fix their issues, and then update the date, BUT they often used a comma in the product description, and every time this is done easy populate won't pull any info after the comma in the description (such as price info) in the delimited file. Is there any way to get around this?


#2 Since i've not been adding with easy populate in the past no products have a model#. Should I just populate that column with sql?


#3 I use the quanty pricing and that seems to be pulling the data correctly with the proper easy poplate file, but I'm also using a product sort order column in my products datebase, i thought I added the column everywhere it looked like it was needed in the easy populate file, but its not place the column in my delimted file, is there an "easy way" to add columns for easly populate to populate?

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Hi All,


I was wondering if anyone was working on a fix for Easypopulate with PHP5??? I have looked through all the posts here and see that more and more people are having issues with this.


My Easypopulate was working wonderfully until my service provider decided to update php to version 5.


I'm not a code warrior myself so wouldn't know where to start. :blink:


Thanks for any help


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$tempdir = "/shop/temp/";

$tempdir2 = "/shop/temp/";


I changed catalog to shop for my site.


Still having this problem :(


I've been messing around with this and nothing.


Also, when I try to:

Create Complete tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir


It says:

You can get your file in the Tools/Files under /shop/temp/EPEP2005Jan09-1301.txt


When I go to look, there's nothing, even though the directory is drwxrwxrwx. Is the name of the file supposed to be the current date/time?

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Also, when I try to:

Create Complete tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir


It says:

You can get your file in the Tools/Files under /shop/temp/EPEP2005Jan09-1301.txt


When I go to look, there's nothing, even though the directory is drwxrwxrwx.  Is the name of the file supposed to be the current date/time?


I had a similar problem. If you've installed the "register_globals=off" contribution then, due to "dltype" and "download" parameters not being recognised it wouldn't create any sort of download file.


The solution for me was at : "http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=108825&hl=". I didn't need point 1 of the solution but point 2 cracked the problem I was having.



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there is a fix about 5 - 10 pages back, dont remember it


Hi All,


I was wondering if anyone was working on a fix for Easypopulate with PHP5???  I have looked through all the posts here and see that more and more people are having issues with this.


My Easypopulate was working wonderfully until my service provider decided to update php to version 5.


I'm not a code warrior myself so wouldn't know where to start.  :blink:


Thanks for any help


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I had a similar problem. If you've installed the "register_globals=off" contribution then, due to "dltype" and "download" parameters not being recognised it wouldn't create any sort of download file.


The solution for me was at : "http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=108825&hl=". I didn't need point 1 of the solution but point 2 cracked the problem I was having.








I have been checking this thread for updates the past few weeks trying to solve this problem. :thumbsup:

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Hello all...


New to this EP thing, but making progress.


I want to show a product with 2 different package sizes(25 count and 50 count)

But each one uses a different model number. How can I display them as one product, and let them choose how many they want, and then that will put the desired model number in the cart? I know about the product attributes, but to my knowledge your stuck with only one model #,


Hope that makes sense...




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I have been checking this thread for updates the past few weeks trying to solve this problem.  :thumbsup:


For me, it still doesn't work.


I stil get this massage:

File uploaded.

Temporary filename: c:/temp\php7D1A.tmp

User filename: aanbiedingen.txt

Size: 10658


But no products import.


Does anybody knows an fix.



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I'm having issues with my image sizes.

using EP STS and osC2.2


Here are my image properties:

Small Image Width 	 100    
Small Image Height 	 Info 
Heading Image Width  60  Info 
Heading Image Height 	 Info 
Subcategory Image Width  57  Info 
Subcategory Image Height 	 Info 
Calculate Image Size  true  Info 
Image Required  false  Info


The problem is that my images are the same small size where ever the products are displayed. If I set all the numbers to 0, then it displays the full size image. There doesn't seem to be any inbetween. No of the other numbers seem to do anything. Help




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whether u r using easypopulate or adding the products manually you will get the same thing.

you need to add a thumbnailer contribution or have multiple size images (small and large) and use mopics, something like that.

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its a new installetion of oscommerce-2.2ms2


I try to get easy populate to work


I download a file from the databas no problem.

I change price on one product.

upload the file he says


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php1C.tmp

User filename: EP2005Jan12-0012.txt

Size: 744


and there are No change in product price in the shop


Maby the wrong thing are

Temporary filename: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php1C.tmp


Please help me



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I am posting because I am not sure if this issue was specific to me(maybe I am using the wrong version or something) or not. I realized that my Froogle feed was sending ALL my prod to froogle wether the product was actually active or not. Nothing was telling Froogle about the quantity or availability. Froogle has a field for telling them about your stock. It is set in EP as a default to 'Y' which is in stock. I needed to tell Froogle if the product was not in stock. So this is what I did:

Find this:

// Other froogle defaults go here for now
 $row['v_froogle_instock'] 	 = 'Y';

And replace it with this:

// Other froogle defaults go here for now
               $row['v_froogle_instock']                 = 'Y'; // default is active
       if      ($row['v_products_quantity'] == 0) {
               // if zero qty products, tell Froogle
               $row['v_froogle_instock']                 = 'N';
//   $row['v_froogle_instock']                 = 'Y';   Replaced this so Froogle does not
//  Think EVERY prod in the catalog is available, status setting was not being used

Backup first as I cannot completely guarantee that this will work for everyone. You may not even need this, but I did. Hope it helps someone. Craig :)


BTW If this issue is specific to me, then ignore me.

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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Nobody can help me

i cant get it to work.


its a new installetion of oscommerce-2.2ms2


I try to get easy populate to work


I download a file from the databas no problem.

I change price on one product.

upload the file he says


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php1C.tmp

User filename: EP2005Jan12-0012.txt

Size: 744


and there are No change in product price in the shop


Maby the wrong thing are

Temporary filename: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\php1C.tmp


Please help me



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