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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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A quick Q, if I may: I'm running on Fedora Core 3 with OpenOffice.org 1.1.2. Unfortunately, when I try to open an EasyPopulate file, OpenOffice.org insists on opening it in the Word-clone. I guess it doesn't see or appreciate the tabs :-).


Anyone know how to force an open in Calc?



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you should be able to specify that it is a tab delimited text file.  or open the spreadsheet app first, then the txt file


Can't specify that in the open dialogue, i actually renamed it to .xls, and i'm opening it in the spreadsheet app first. Worst case, I'll have to send this to a windows machine, open it there, save it differently, then send it back, but I was hoping to avoid that :-(.

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open as xls and save as tab delimited text, you dont dont need to send back and forth


OOo on Linux doesn't seem to be forceable. But for future reference, I managed to get it to work by opening the file in gEdit and copying/pasting into Calc. It recognized the tabs just fine.



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how about posting a few lines of your txt file


Certainly. Here's one that works OK:


CV725  Blooming Lovely Broccoli Soup  14.72 0  0 KNOBBLY CARROT SOUPS & SAUCES (CHILLED)        1 EOREOR

CV723  Cosmic Courgette & Lemon Soup  14.72 0  0 KNOBBLY CARROT SOUPS & SAUCES (CHILLED)        1 EOREOR


These two lines, as you'd expect, create a category called SOUPS & SAUCES (CHILLED) and insert two products into it.


This bit, however



CV281  Apricot/Guava soya dessert OG  2.48 0  0 SOJASUN CV281  Apricot/Guava soya dessert OG  2.48 0  0 SOJASUN SOYA YOGURTS & DESSERTS (CHILLED)        1 EOREOR


creates two separate categories, both called SOYA YOGURTS & DESSERTS (CHILLED) , one of which contains Actisun and one of which contains Apricot/Guava soya dessert.


It's something to do with the category names. I found a work-round by reducing category names that were causing problems, such as SOYA YOGURTS to just one word. They then imported correctedly and I renamed the category from the Admin tool.


But I can't see why the two strings SOUPS & SAUCES (CHILLED) and SOYA YOGURTS & DESSERTS (CHILLED) should behave differently, since they both contain ampersands and parentheses.

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Ooops. I copied the misbehaving lines wrongly. They are, in fact



CV281  Apricot/Guava soya dessert OG  2.48 0  0 SOJASUN SOYA YOGURTS & DESSERTS (CHILLED)        1 EOREOR



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Hey Guys,


I just downloaded Easy Populate 2.74-MS2. Everything is working great. Only problem is I'm also using UltraPics to have more pictures in the Product Description.


Is there a way to have the extra pictures uploaded along with all the attributes?



Gary Osterholt

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Mibble, is there a way to have easy populate to auto insert products from a text file?


I'd like to run a cron job to do it. I've developed a program (with some other help) that I can use MS Word to mail merge products to a template, then take that code, transfer it into html code, then place that code into the description field of a excel temp file, also it copies over a model number into the model number field and product pic field. From there it allow you to edit it in excel to modify any catagories that need to be changed, then exports it all into a tab delimited file. I've tested this today and it works brilliantly. Even autouploads it to an ftp server. :o)

I'm willing to share it with others if I can get a cron job to automate the imports instead of having to go into the admin tool.



Edited by djgizmo
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Hey John,


Great contribution.

I'm using Easy Populate 2.74 MS2. Works great. I can upload and download.


The only problem is I'm also using UltraPics. To get more pictures in the products pages. When i download a text file, I only have an option for one photo.


I've downloaded an Easy Populate Ultra Add On, but it won't download or upload the attributes for the products.


Any ideas???



Gary Osterholt

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guys, i want to download easy populate, but which file do i download from the contributions section?


whats the file, that has all i need to setup and install?



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Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me...my problem doesn't appear to have been mentioned in any previous discussion of easypopulate.


I've just installed it, the Aug12 version 2.74 and the page opens fine. Downloading EP files works OK too and I've now ironed out (I think) the initial problems I had with the temp dir (I don't have a catalog folder).


However, I can't upload anything. Clicking the insert into db button, either to upload, split or from the temp dir just takes me to a 406 error page


"The resource cannot be displayed

The resource you are looking for cannot be opened by your browser.


Please try the following:

Click the Back button to try another link.

Click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP Error 406 - Not acceptable

Internet Explorer"


So I'm stumped. Any pointers would be appreciated.


Edited by starkie
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