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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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if you have attributes on your site, then they get downloaded automatically via easy populate.


for what you are discussing about master products, if you can explain a bit more then we can probably help.

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if you have attributes on your site, then they get downloaded automatically via easy populate.


for what you are discussing about master products, if you can explain a bit more then we can probably help.


I dont each time i try to do it it timesout

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the new or manual verison of master products has differnet values and is made differentely then the one found in the contributions. I dont know what the changed values are so i can get to to work. Look for your sleves to understand more.

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Anyone gotten this to fully function on an MS1 setup? I got it so I can download the file from easypopulate, but when I try and upload I get errors.


I am working on a new MS2 site, but need the old one to function in the meantime.



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if u read in the docs, it states that it doesnt work with ms1, i have not heard of anyone getting it working there. it would take a bit of programming to make it work properly.

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Hi all,


I have downloaded this contribution and tried a little bit to see how it works offline with about 200 products.


It seams that worked ok first time around, but I need some question answered before I do it live please.


I have about 400 products at moment online, and I need to add 1000 more products.


My question is: Can I upload the 1000 new products on top of the 400 I already have? or Uploading the 1000 new, would delete the 400 already in.


Or do I have to download the 400 and re-upload everything at once 1400 products? Which is the best way?


I have add some new fields in the products table, can be easy to make it work?





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HI all Again,


I am still waiting for someone to show some light to my questions. Anybody out there that uses this contributions and the ways I mentioned above?


I have tried to read most of the thread but it is too long...





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as long as the model number is different for each one of your items you can upload them split into groups of however many you want. it wont overwrite the old ones.


Also all you need to upload is the product name and another field of your choice, like it you wanted to update the description you could just upload it and the profuct name.

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Thanks Michael,


OK, For what I understood on my database of 400 products, I can "just" add to it without overiding as long as the Model is different.

And If I want to correct or amend a products, it MUST have the same product model....


Product Model (must be different) , Products Name and any other field minimum required and all this can be configured in the easyproducts.php?


Thank Again

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Hi all,


I have two languages and I have downloaded the the products I have online

I have a small question while I am typing all products in excel. I have noticed that:

v_products_name_1, description and url are for the two languages and that is fine.

But what about the v_manufacturers_name, v_categories_name_1 etc, that are in two languages? how can I upload the second? or I just can't have two languages for the manufacturers and categories?


Thank Again



Edited by Salvo
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I've searched this forum for the last 1 and 1/2 hours and I haven't been able to find a solution for this, so please help me out.


Right now EP is running great for us. However, I cannot get the prooduct info to upload correctly. We can download the tables and all the product information just fine but when we upload it, a lot of characters change.


Here's an example:


<TABLE borderColor=#00039a cellSpacing='Ŕ"' 
                       cellPadding='Ŕ"' width='61' bgColor=#0ff6f0 border='ŕ"' 
                           <TD vAlign='"top"' borderColor=#0a0 width='61' 
                           height='൯"'><FONT face='"Verdana,' size='Ŗ"'


Notice that all the numbers and the quotes are just going crazy. I even have the escape character settings set to false


// **** Quote -> Escape character conversion ****
// If you have extensive html in your descriptions and it's getting mangled on upload, turn this off
// set to 1 = replace quotes with escape characters
// set to 0 = no quote replacement
global $replace_quotes;
$replace_quotes = false;


Can someone please help me with this. Thanks a lot!

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you can go and download by options, which will help with the timeout issue. unless you can control it via your php.ini, as i do.



I dont quite know what you mean by "download by options"...


Also my host say that I/they are not able to edit the PHP.ini


They mentioned there should be another way around this!



Any Ideas.

Edited by jamesadmin
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read thru the easypopulate.php file and you can see where there are settings to limit which options you download, then you can merge them together. if you have lots of attributes, then use quattro pro to edit.

or you may need to change hosts.

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Hello there. I search through this topic but I couldn't really find the answer. Evertime I edit an item and move it to another category through easy populate, it shows up in both categories so that I have the same item linked with multiple categories.


Does anybody have any suggestions?




David H. Johnston

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when you put a product into a different category, ep sees it as a new product. thus if you are wanting to do this, then you need to delete the original product, or via the admin section of the store, you can select the product and move it to another category

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Can someone please help me out with this error message?


"1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1


I'm ONLY getting these on the items (rows) that I try to import that does not already exist in the database. Any help is appreciated.



I also have a question regarding the update of the attribute prefixes. If any of you can have a look at it it would really help me out a lot. It's posted here http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=115021. Thanks.

Edited by importhookup
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usually means you are either adding too many fields to the table or too few compared to the sql statement.

without the related code AND the table definition, hard to do much.

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Hi Mibble,


Thasnks for the quick response. I really don't understand this becuase I'm only getting the message when EP is trying to insert a product that doesn't already exist in the database. For example, the R-20 already exists so it reads it in fine, but the R-13 and the R-20X will thorw the error. Then I went ahead and manually created a R-20X in the admin control panel, then I ran EP again and I was able to get the R-20X inserted fine. Here's the code:


File uploaded. 
Temporary filename: /var/tmp/phpneSC2i
User filename: Raze Wheels upload test.txt
Size: 9432
| razer20 | raze_120.g | Raze R-20 | | | 136 | 25 | | 10/5/2004 | 100 | 1 | Wheel Colo | 3 | | Silver | 4 | | Metallic S | 5 | | Metallic S | 6 | | Hypersilve | 7 | 10 | Hyperblack | 8 | | Gunmetal w | 9 | | Gold with | 10 | | Gold with | 11 | 0 | Gold | 12 | | Flat Black | 2 | Wheel Size | 1 | 136 | 17x7.0 | 2 | 184 | 18x7.5 | 3 | Wheel Offs | 13 | | 35 | 14 | | 40 | 15 | | 42 | 16 | | 43 | 4 | Bolt Patte | 17 | 0 | 4x100 | 18 | | 4x114.3 | 19 | | 5x100 | 20 | 0 | 5x114.3 | 21 | | 8x100 | 22 | | 8x114.3 | 23 | | 10x100 | 24 | | 10x114.3 | Raze Wheel | 170 | Wheels | Sport Comp | | Taxable Go | Active Updated
| razer20x | raze_120.g | Raze R-20x | | | 136 | 25 | | 10/5/2004 | 100 | 1 | Wheel Colo | 3 | | Silver | 4 | | Metallic S | 5 | | Metallic S | 6 | | Hypersilve | 7 | 10 | Hyperblack | 8 | | Gunmetal w | 9 | | Gold with | 10 | | Gold with | 11 | 0 | Gold | 12 | | Flat Black | 2 | Wheel Size | 1 | 136 | 17x7.0 | 2 | 184 | 18x7.5 | 3 | Wheel Offs | 13 | | 35 | 14 | | 40 | 15 | | 42 | 16 | | 43 | 4 | Bolt Patte | 17 | 0 | 4x100 | 18 | | 4x114.3 | 19 | | 5x100 | 20 | 0 | 5x114.3 | 21 | | 8x100 | 22 | | 8x114.3 | 23 | | 10x100 | 24 | | 10x114.3 | Raze Wheel | 170 | Wheels | Sport Comp | | Taxable Go | Active Updated
| razer13 | raze_120.g | Raze R-13 | | | 130 | 25 | | 10/3/2004 | 100 | 1 | Wheel Colo | 3 | 0 | Silver | 4 | | Metallic S | 5 | | Metallic S | 6 | | Hypersilve | 7 | 20 | Hyperblack | 8 | | Gunmetal w | 9 | | Gold with | 10 | | Gold with | 11 | | Gold | 12 | | Flat Black | 2 | Wheel Size | 1 | 130 | 17x7.0 | 2 | 200 | 18x7.5 | 3 | Wheel Offs | 13 | | 35 | 14 | | 40 | 15 | | 42 | 16 | | 43 | 4 | Bolt Patte | 17 | | 4x100 | 18 | | 4x114.3 | 19 | | 5x100 | 20 | | 5x114.3 | 21 | 0 | 8x100 | 22 | 0 | 8x114.3 | 23 | 0 | 10x100 | 24 | 0 | 10x114.3 | Raze Wheel | 158 | Wheels | Sport Comp | | Taxable Go | Active !New Product!
1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

INSERT INTO products ( products_retail_price, products_image, products_model, products_price, products_status, products_last_modified, products_date_added, products_date_available, products_tax_class_id, products_weight, products_quantity, manufacturers_id) VALUES ( 'raze_120.gif', 'razer13', '130', '1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "10/3/2004 21:53", NULL, '1', '25', '100', '158' '14')

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Hi Mibble,


Thanks for pointing that out for me. After playing with it for a while I was finally able to figure out what is wrong. Sucks to be an amateur programmer ;)


Can you take a look at this for me if you have a chance? I've spent hours trying to figure this out but it just isn't working right for me.



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Mibble : i guess you didnt understand what i said. currently the products_price field is defined as decimal 15,4 and you will have to define it differently


Hi, I've looked at it in the database, but I don't get it what to change.

You're right with the present setting of 15,4.

But what do I need to change to have my shop use the , instead of the . for ? 30.00?

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