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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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OK nevermine, come to find out the 2.76 I downloaded was still the 2.75, so I upgraded, working good so far, just one problem, when I add he products, the prices are showing up before the model number, so you see 0.00 for price and model number for example looks like this [34.04 bbg000-9] any thoughts on that?

so you are now using the 2.76d I uploaded? followed the steps in post 5698. That would be a new one. what option are you downloading? Please post a link to your export file (or portion of it).

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Sorry to butt into this forum at this point but could someone advise me what is wrong with these columns headers for easypopulate (I added the extra columns) as I have more attribute options than the default, but only 4 (as opposed to 9) are showing in the options dropdown box on the website? Sorry I've used color to separate the different columns as my indenting didn't come out - each new column starts with v_. Do I need to modify anything on the back-end? If so where?





v_attribute_options_id_1 v_attribute_options_name_1_1


v_attribute_values_id_1_1 v_attribute_values_name_1_1_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_1

v_attribute_values_id_1_2 v_attribute_values_name_1_2_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_2

v_attribute_values_id_1_3 v_attribute_values_name_1_3_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_3

v_attribute_values_id_1_4 v_attribute_values_name_1_4_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_4

v_attribute_options_id_1_5 v_attribute_values_name_1_5_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_5

v_attribute_options_id_1_6 v_attribute_values_name_1_6_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_6

v_attribute_options_id_1_7 v_attribute_values_name_1_7_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_7

v_attribute_options_id_1_8 v_attribute_values_name_1_8_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_8

v_attribute_options_id_1_9 v_attribute_values_name_1_9_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_9

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Sorry to butt into this forum at this point but could someone advise me what is wrong with these columns headers for easypopulate (I added the extra columns) as I have more attribute options than the default, but only 4 (as opposed to 9) are showing in the options dropdown box on the website? Sorry I've used color to separate the different columns as my indenting didn't come out - each new column starts with v_. Do I need to modify anything on the back-end? If so where?





v_attribute_options_id_1 v_attribute_options_name_1_1


v_attribute_values_id_1_1 v_attribute_values_name_1_1_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_1

v_attribute_values_id_1_2 v_attribute_values_name_1_2_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_2

v_attribute_values_id_1_3 v_attribute_values_name_1_3_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_3

v_attribute_values_id_1_4 v_attribute_values_name_1_4_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_4

v_attribute_options_id_1_5 v_attribute_values_name_1_5_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_5

v_attribute_options_id_1_6 v_attribute_values_name_1_6_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_6

v_attribute_options_id_1_7 v_attribute_values_name_1_7_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_7

v_attribute_options_id_1_8 v_attribute_values_name_1_8_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_8

v_attribute_options_id_1_9 v_attribute_values_name_1_9_1 v_attribute_values_price_1_9


the attributes are not easy to use as they are setup now. your best bet is to setup some example products using the osC admin and export them to see how they should be setup.

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the attributes are not easy to use as they are setup now. your best bet is to setup some example products using the osC admin and export them to see how they should be setup.




Thanks for responding. My problem is that my admin section is not set up properly. Firstly, under Catalog, Categories/Products I have to search for the product by product name as there is no product model no. (or product ID listed - also this doesn't really help me), but when it comes up it does not show options for the product. Secondly if I look under Catalog, Product Attributes, it just gives ID and product name so I have to scroll through many items by product name (which aren't in alphabetical order!) to find the correct one. There is no search function in this view. So basically the two views don't work well together. Anyway even if I find the correct product under Product Atttributes there is no way to add a new option attribute - only edit existing ones. Also I don't see any option in Admin to export products.


I have phpMyAdmin set up (don't know how to use this either!) but I don't know how to edit products from this view or export to a spreadsheet so that the options attributes are exported!


Is this easy to reconfigure - I have guy coming to see me next week who knows osCommerce should I wait for him?





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Hello, i've got a question. Does any version of Easypopulate allow to export/import *txt file with basic (model, price, weight, etc) fields and extra fields? I use 2.90b version and only can create two different files: 1) only with basic fields 2) only extra fields. Thanks.

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Thanks for responding. My problem is that my admin section is not set up properly. Firstly, under Catalog, Categories/Products I have to search for the product by product name as there is no product model no. (or product ID listed - also this doesn't really help me), but when it comes up it does not show options for the product. Secondly if I look under Catalog, Product Attributes, it just gives ID and product name so I have to scroll through many items by product name (which aren't in alphabetical order!) to find the correct one. There is no search function in this view. So basically the two views don't work well together. Anyway even if I find the correct product under Product Atttributes there is no way to add a new option attribute - only edit existing ones. Also I don't see any option in Admin to export products.


I have phpMyAdmin set up (don't know how to use this either!) but I don't know how to edit products from this view or export to a spreadsheet so that the options attributes are exported!


Is this easy to reconfigure - I have guy coming to see me next week who knows osCommerce should I wait for him?





I see your problems stretch beyond easy populate. If you are having problems with your admin, let your knowlegable osC person help you.


On your secondly, yes that's what we all face. just pick one and make an example, then use easy populate to export the product(s) to use as an example for your import file. If you simply can't work with the product attributes as osC set them up, there are a few good attribute manager contributions available that could help you with that. If its just that your admin/products_attributes.php file is corrupt, you can download the latest version of osC and replace that file with the one in latest osC package (backup your old file first).


The biggest problem you face at this point relates to your comment about no product having model numbers. As stated in the docs, all products must have a model number. That is how easy populate tells products apart from one another.

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I would also like to add an extra field (product_attribute_weight) to easypopulate, going by these instructions:


Actually it's possible, but you need to know your way around phpmyadmin, sql and a little php coding. You shouldn't use the extra fields contribution if you still want to use easypopulate to import and export products, as it would be way too complicated to add the new tables to the Easypopulate file.


What you need to do:


1. Install surfalot's Easypopulate version


2. Go into phpmyadmin and add the fields you need to the products table, or if you need fields with different languages, add them to the products_description table


3. Edit the Easypopulate file and add your new fields wherever occurrences of the corresponding table's fields are. e.g. search for products_description and add your fields from the products_description table, search for e.g. products_weight and add your fields from the products table. Make sure that you go with the same naming scheme that is used for the existing fields in the easypopulate file.


4. To actually show the fields you need to edit the products_info.php file, add the new fields to the sql-query and do an echo with the field e.g. for the already existing products_weigh field:




<?php echo $product_info['products_weight']; ?>



That should just work fine if I haven't overlooked anything


My case is quite simple, i have two sizes of products, small and large. I wish the large product to be 40 grams heavier than the base weight. Not too tricky, but where to start exactly?


Thanks for a great contribution!

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The installation instructions say this...


The model numbers you assign must be unique, i.e. you can't give all your products a product_model of "test". HINT: In your spreadsheet program, put a number in the first cell and autofill the column.


The model numbers used for my store are the actual manufacturers' model numbers and many of those model numbers are used on multiple products. This means that some values in v_products_model are duplicated.


Does this mean I can't use EP? What happens if I try to upload a file that has duplicate values for v_products_model?


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Cant seem to find this error in my search.




I tried to keep it as simple as possible. So I tryed uploading the test file in the instructions that you are asked to download. One thing I noticed is my temp dir is completely empty. I am running this on laptop, on wamp before I go live.


Any help would be very much appreciated :thumbsup:



Easy Populate 2.76c-MS2 - Default Language : English(1)


Warning: move_uploaded_file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2007May17-1010.txt) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'c:/wamp/tmp\php15E.tmp' to 'DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2007May17-1010.txt' in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: c:/wamp/tmp\php15E.tmp

User filename: EP2007May17-1010.txt

Size: 25436


Warning: file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2007May17-1010.txt) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate.php on line 667


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate.php on line 690



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The installation instructions say this...


The model numbers you assign must be unique, i.e. you can't give all your products a product_model of "test". HINT: In your spreadsheet program, put a number in the first cell and autofill the column.


The model numbers used for my store are the actual manufacturers' model numbers and many of those model numbers are used on multiple products. This means that some values in v_products_model are duplicated.


Does this mean I can't use EP? What happens if I try to upload a file that has duplicate values for v_products_model?

yes, that is what that means. duplicate model numbers will mean the products will reflect the last entry in your upload file.

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Cant seem to find this error in my search.




I tried to keep it as simple as possible. So I tryed uploading the test file in the instructions that you are asked to download. One thing I noticed is my temp dir is completely empty. I am running this on laptop, on wamp before I go live.


Any help would be very much appreciated :thumbsup:



Easy Populate 2.76c-MS2 - Default Language : English(1)


Warning: move_uploaded_file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2007May17-1010.txt) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move 'c:/wamp/tmp\php15E.tmp' to 'DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2007May17-1010.txt' in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: c:/wamp/tmp\php15E.tmp

User filename: EP2007May17-1010.txt

Size: 25436


Warning: file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2007May17-1010.txt) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate.php on line 667


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\catalog\admin\easypopulate.php on line 690



try searching for DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT

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I have installed easy populate version 2.76c, but i couldn't export or import any products. After reading hundreds of posts i installed easypopulate_2.76d_globals_off. Now i can export, but i cant import products. Thanks in advance for any help advice, etc.




HTTP Server: Apache/2.0.55 (Red Hat)

PHP Version: 4.4.4 (Zend: 1.3.0)

Register_globals: off

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I've turned on error reporting and got the following in the header:


Notice: Use of undefined constant tep_get_uploaded_file - assumed 'tep_get_uploaded_file' in /home/sites/stevenbutler.co.uk/public_html/paragon/admin/easypopulate.php on line 190


Notice: Undefined index: dltype in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 280


Notice: Undefined index: download in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 293


Notice: Undefined index: download in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 293


Notice: Undefined index: download in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 293




Also get the following errors on the page:



Notice: Undefined variable: localfile in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 783


Notice: Undefined variable: usrfl in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 783


Notice: Undefined variable: usrfl in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 870



Thanks for any help



Kind Regards,



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How can I make easy populate download the product descriptions in English only. Having multiple language options along with my attributes is making my columns exceed 256 (the max for excel)?


(I could not find an answer to this in my search.

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I've turned on error reporting and got the following in the header:


Notice: Use of undefined constant tep_get_uploaded_file - assumed 'tep_get_uploaded_file' in /home/sites/stevenbutler.co.uk/public_html/paragon/admin/easypopulate.php on line 190


Notice: Undefined index: dltype in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 280


Notice: Undefined index: download in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 293


Notice: Undefined index: download in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 293


Notice: Undefined index: download in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 293




Also get the following errors on the page:



Notice: Undefined variable: localfile in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 783


Notice: Undefined variable: usrfl in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 783


Notice: Undefined variable: usrfl in /home/sites/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 870



Thanks for any help



Kind Regards,



Good luck with that. I don't think the register globals off versions that I've seen are complete.

But your first error is due to a malformed line about line 190.

if (!function_exists(tep_get_uploaded_file)){

change to

if (!function_exists('tep_get_uploaded_file')){

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How can I make easy populate download the product descriptions in English only. Having multiple language options along with my attributes is making my columns exceed 256 (the max for excel)?


(I could not find an answer to this in my search.

I have not seen anything like that yet. I've heard excel 2007 doesn't have that restriction.

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I have not seen anything like that yet. I've heard excel 2007 doesn't have that restriction.



I will confirm that about Excel 2007.

I like these mods, there fun! ...65 70 72 75 80 85 125+ contributions installed and counting...


Tools I'm using: OSC2.2 milestone2, Filezilla for FTP, PHP Designer 2007PE (nice), Araxis Merge 6.5 to compare files, XP(my box), Remote Server is shared Apache 1.3 Cpanel, CURL, and PHPmyAdmin through my hosts Cpanel to mess up the database.

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does this contribution suppot Chinese Big 5?

we have our website along with english & chinese big 5.

It spent to much time for us to update product one by one.

therefore; we tried to find a contribution would able to import multi-product at once.




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Good luck with that. I don't think the register globals off versions that I've seen are complete.

But your first error is due to a malformed line about line 190.

if (!function_exists(tep_get_uploaded_file)){

change to

if (!function_exists('tep_get_uploaded_file')){





Thanks for looking surfalot. I managed to remove first error after making changes you suggested. Any ideas on the other error messages?? Thanks again in advance for any help, advice.


Best Wishes,



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Thanks for looking surfalot. I managed to remove first error after making changes you suggested. Any ideas on the other error messages?? Thanks again in advance for any help, advice.


Best Wishes,



the other messages relate to the code not fully supporting the Globals Off. Check with your host, often the globals off setting is the default and the host will allow you to turn them on using a php.ini file in your root folder.


If you can set globals on, use the 2.76d version I uploaded since I'm sure we've tracked a bug in at least one of the globals off versions.

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does this contribution suppot Chinese Big 5?

we have our website along with english & chinese big 5.

It spent to much time for us to update product one by one.

therefore; we tried to find a contribution would able to import multi-product at once.




I've not heard of anyone reporting this to work with any Asian char sets. Someone has reported that it doesn't work fully with Hebrew since the process in not UTF-8 compliant. Same may be true for Asian chars. And there are problems with multi-language sites.

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the other messages relate to the code not fully supporting the Globals Off. Check with your host, often the globals off setting is the default and the host will allow you to turn them on using a php.ini file in your root folder.


If you can set globals on, use the 2.76d version I uploaded since I'm sure we've tracked a bug in at least one of the globals off versions.


Thanks again surfalot. My host has globals setting to off, but done a search on globals off in easy populate support and found a fix. It seems to be working, i just need to test fully. As i have approx 700 products and still more to add. If anyone else has a similiar problem i used the following fix.



// fix by jb 20040815 set the strings to http post/request, since they don't seem to work on the new server, with register globals=off...






foreach( $HTTP_POST_FILES as $varname => $fileinfo ){

$GLOBALS[$varname] = $fileinfo["tmp_name"];

$GLOBALS[$varname.'_name'] = $fileinfo["name"];


// end fix jb



This is NOT my fix, but provided by jbrolin, and can be found at - http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=108825

Thanks again for all your help and advice.


Kind Regards,




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