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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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I got it figured out.


- osCommerce was installed directly into my public_html file so I did not have a /catalog/temp folder.

I created a /temp folder


All I had to do was change /temp to temp/


$tempdir = DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "TEMP/";


Dunno if I'm just delusionally tired but my admin/includes/configure.php reads:


define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/dadano/public_html/'); // where the pages are located on the server


I havn't touched it and made the modification as advised, yet EP is working fine.






perfect, thanks for reporting back

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Hey all,


Before to install this contrib I wanna know what I have to do with this line :


Here's the line in my configure.php


I don't understand what I have to change. My temp file is at the root of the site.

Thx in advance for your support ;)

If your shop's config is aready correct, please ignore that plea, and only that plea.

just set the temp path in the easypopulate.php file so that the combined path equals the full path to your temp folder.


that is, the temp folder setting starts with DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT. That equals '/home/maisonex/www/', which we are assuming is correct. if you created your temp folder in the root of your shop (/home/maisonex/www/temp/) then your temp folder setting in the easypopulate.php file should be:



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Hello everyone!


I have a question please..


If I tried to upload excel sheet that includes only "products models" & "prices" Do EP:


1. Know to modify the correct product model prices ?


Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!



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I've been wondering if anyone has considering modifying this contrib for other data feeds besides Froogle. I currently upload feeds to Windows Live Product Search as well as Clixgalore. Windows live claims to be able to accept Froogle feeds, but since Froogle (Google Base) changed the feed rules, it no longer works. Clixgalore can also accept the old Froogle feeds, however, it makes for a very limited catalog entry. Ideally, a Clixgalore feed update for this contrib would also take advantage of the Short Description contrib as well. Here is what Clixgalore wants in a data feed:


Use the character | as the CSV field seperator

Product Name/Title (Max 70 Chars) REQUIRED

Product Currency e.g. US$ REQUIRED

Product Price (Max 15 chars) e.g. 10.99 RECOMMENDED

Product Recommended Retail Price (Max 15 chars) e.g. 10.99

Product Sale Price (Max 15 chars) e.g. 10.99

Product Delivery Cost (Max 15 Chars) e.g. 10.99

Product Brand Name (Max 50 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Product Brief Description (Max 300 Chars)

Product Description (Max 2000 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Product URL (Max 500 Chars) REQUIRED

Product Image URL (Max 500 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Product Image Thumbnail URL (Max 500 Chars) max image size: 125x125 pixels

Product Category (Max 500 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Season (Max 50 Chars)

Gender e.g. M/F or leave blank

Product Availability (in days)

Sizes Available (Max 50 Chars)

Colours Available (Max 50 Chars)

For example:





I'm not sure if the attributes can be worked as Clixgalore needs them. I only know I'm not up to it.


Thanks in advance to anyone who's willing to take this on!

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php vers? php globals (on/off)

MySQL vers?


Thanks for reply


php version=4.4.0

globals =ON

MySQL =mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.11, for pc-linux-gnu (i386)


The rest of EP seems to work very well. I managed to get the attributes download to appear on the quck links.





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Hello everyone!


I have a question please..


If I tried to upload excel sheet that includes only "products models" & "prices" Do EP:


1. Know to modify the correct product model prices ?


Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!



are you asking, how does EP know to update the correct product?

EP uses the Model Number to lookup the product, then changes it.

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I've been wondering if anyone has considering modifying this contrib for other data feeds besides Froogle. I currently upload feeds to Windows Live Product Search as well as Clixgalore. Windows live claims to be able to accept Froogle feeds, but since Froogle (Google Base) changed the feed rules, it no longer works. Clixgalore can also accept the old Froogle feeds, however, it makes for a very limited catalog entry. Ideally, a Clixgalore feed update for this contrib would also take advantage of the Short Description contrib as well. Here is what Clixgalore wants in a data feed:


Use the character | as the CSV field seperator

Product Name/Title (Max 70 Chars) REQUIRED

Product Currency e.g. US$ REQUIRED

Product Price (Max 15 chars) e.g. 10.99 RECOMMENDED

Product Recommended Retail Price (Max 15 chars) e.g. 10.99

Product Sale Price (Max 15 chars) e.g. 10.99

Product Delivery Cost (Max 15 Chars) e.g. 10.99

Product Brand Name (Max 50 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Product Brief Description (Max 300 Chars)

Product Description (Max 2000 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Product URL (Max 500 Chars) REQUIRED

Product Image URL (Max 500 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Product Image Thumbnail URL (Max 500 Chars) max image size: 125x125 pixels

Product Category (Max 500 Chars) RECOMMENDED

Season (Max 50 Chars)

Gender e.g. M/F or leave blank

Product Availability (in days)

Sizes Available (Max 50 Chars)

Colours Available (Max 50 Chars)

For example:





I'm not sure if the attributes can be worked as Clixgalore needs them. I only know I'm not up to it.


Thanks in advance to anyone who's willing to take this on!


I think you'd be better-off starting with something like the Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder

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php version=4.4.0

globals =ON

MySQL =mysql Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.11, for pc-linux-gnu (i386)


The rest of EP seems to work very well. I managed to get the attributes download to appear on the quck links.

sorry, at the moment I can't come up with why that would happen.

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I installed yesterday this Easy Populate 2.76d-MS2 (with attributes) and it almost worked fine. I didn't try anything fancy at first, though I'm using SPPC and Ultra Pics contribs. I tried to download the file to excel, and got it. Except... The price was shown as a date in excel. Is there some "special way" to open that file, or what kind of setting I have to select for that column. Well, that's a small problem. Maybe.


Then I started to change the code, so I could get the full advantage of it's usage. I uncommented those "image contrib" -lines, and now I get this kind of error message when I click Easy Populate at Admin:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '.' in /home/wiequeuw/wiequ-www/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 2113


That line looks like this, and the code around it:

// unmcomment these lines if you are running the image mods

			$query .=		. $v_products_mimage . '", "'				 // THIS IS LINE 2113!
						. $v_products_bimage . '", "'
						. $v_products_subimage1 . '", "'
						. $v_products_bsubimage1 . '", "'
						. $v_products_subimage2 . '", "'
						. $v_products_bsubimage2 . '", "'
						. $v_products_subimage3 . '", "'
						. $v_products_bsubimage3 . '", "'

		$query .="				'$v_products_model',


I'm sure, there is an easy way to fix this, but I'm not familiar with this php, or any kind of code. So I can't figure it out by myself.


Thank you in advance, whoever is able to fix this, or help me somehow.



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Any ideas why dyna menu would not work with easy populate and sts 4.4?


1)installed the latest oscommerce

2)installed STS 4.4

3)installed dyna menu (everything worked fine, fully functional)

4)installed EP (no flyout action)


Really kinda weird. Any thoughts?



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Hello Everyone,


I'm receiving the following error every time I try to upload the tab delimited feed through Easy Populate 2.76. I have figured out how to fix the error, however, it is only a workaround and not a solution. The problem only seems to occur when my html description is quite length in the "v_products_description_1" column. If I shorten up the description for the product this does not seem to occur, however, I need the long html descriptions for my products.

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's dashboard.


Thanks for the help in advance! :thumbsup:

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Hello Everyone,


I'm receiving the following error every time I try to upload the tab delimited feed through Easy Populate 2.76. I have figured out how to fix the error, however, it is only a workaround and not a solution. The problem only seems to occur when my html description is quite length in the "v_products_description_1" column. If I shorten up the description for the product this does not seem to occur, however, I need the long html descriptions for my products.

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's dashboard.


Thanks for the help in advance! :thumbsup:

if you are using v2.76d, you can try to enable the excel safe option in the settings. You can also try the convert quotes option if you don't have html in the description. Otherwise, you are stuck removing quotes from your data.

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Hi Guys,


I installed Easy Populate and added another contribution (which lets me put a different image in my enlarged version of the thumbnail)

link: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=137713


The problem I have now is that when I click on 'enlarge image' I just get an empty pop up box.

I know I have to uncomment the bimage code but have tried this in every way I can think of for the last 10 hours but my picture still doesnt show up.


See the thread above for my current code - it is the last 2 posts.


I am a complete newbie - incase you didnt guess - and so to save me from spending another three days trying to figure this out I am willing to pay someone to help me.


All I want is for both my easy populate and my bimage contribution to work together- thats it...

It may even be something as simple as a missed path somewhere, but after spending around 30 hours out of the last 48 looking at PHP I'm just desperate for help...


My MSN addy is in my profile, let me know how much it will cost.

I can upload both files to you first if you prefer to look at them before quoting.


Please help...

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Thank you VJ for this great contribution, i have implented your EP file in my own, and it's working !! I only have one great problem. When I Create a Complete tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir, and open it in excel there are 2 problems.


1) The file is to large to import in excel, not all the atributes and catagories are showed.


2)All the atributes are assigned to every single product, so say I have a dress in small, medium and large. Now all the other atributes are there as well in the excel file, so now I have a dress with S,M,L,XL,RED,BLUE,WHITE,34,36,38, S/M,M/L,L/XL ......and it go's on. So now I have reached the maximum imported column in excel. (256 pc).


Fore your information: I have EP version '2.62-MS2' on oscommerce 2.2-MS2. I also have installed the contribution new_attributes_v4b (that's the contribution witch I used to add atributes so far.

My question: are there some counts or something else witch I should adjust ??

When you want to check my Ep file, I will be glad to send it to you.

Thank you fot this great contribution, I can't wait to see this work properly!


Greetings Don.

My Webpage

What is the maximum amount of products for easy Populate, my text sheet is about 25MG should this sheet be split?

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'What is the maximum amount of products for easy Populate, my text sheet is about 25MG should this sheet be split?'


Hi, the default is about 300 products (although it can also depend upon your default time out settings)


I have found the easiest thing to do is just put 300 products in the spreadsheet at a time and upload them - although you can play about with the code in easypopulate.php


the easypopulate manual in the download details which parts to modify if you prefer to do it this way.

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I am having a problem...


I am testing this mod out with QTPro. I have a T-Shirt that has SM MED and LG attributes. I've set quantities of 99 for each of these attributes. When I download a complete text file, it just shows my total (297) for the T-Shirt product. I don't see where I can specify different quantities for each attribute if I were to upload more shirts. Is this something that can be done?





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Hi something strange happened to my EP.. It always worked perfectly.. Today I tried to add some products.. everything is added using EP.. the items models number, names, prices, descriptions, sizes all, except the images... I even cannot see the X or thier empty places... The images are all uploaded to the server with correct names.. but in the live site there no pictures only the things cited above.. doesn't sound to you strange??

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i am getting this error on fresh upload and install:


Warning: move_uploaded_file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/temp/sample_output_file.csv) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/SITE/public_html/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 43


Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpmiu99r' to 'DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/temp/sample_output_file.csv' in /home/SITE/public_html/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 43



File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpmiu99r

User filename: sample_output_file.csv

Size: 80183


Warning: file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/temp/sample_output_file.csv) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/SITE/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 805


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/SITE/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 844



i made the temp folder under public_html/temp/ and i have set the permissions to 777.


now i dunno if i am doing this right. what kind of file do i need to upload? looking @ the example.txt file, when i upload that i just get the same errors. so i opened it in excel and saved it as a CSV file, and still get the errors. but in excel there is like 4 CSV types to choose from. what EXACTLY do i need to do to make this work?

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somehow i got it to work.


next problem. i uploaded a .txt file to the temp dir thats almost 3mb in size that has complete store data from my other store. when i put the NAME.txt into the "Import EP file from Temp Dir" i get a error "Filename: EP2007Mar24-040422.txt


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2833271 bytes) in /home/SITE/public_html/admin/easypopulate.php on line 850"


what do i do to fix this problem?

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I added them, but i see in the index page, that they are Upcoming products.. 17/03/2007 and today is 23 /03/2007


Why EP deals with dates in this way ?? my products will never appear in 17/03/2007

this is what the docs say about it (please reread them for each problem you have. I know there's a lot of info there and it doesn't always make sense the first time through):

EP does NO formatting or conversion of date formats. It gives you exactly what came out of mysql, and it takes exactly the data you give EP and shoves it into mysql. If you use a format that is not the mysql default, you'll push bad data into your date fields in your database. Use this format and you'll avoid problems: YYYY-MM-DD.

I will add to that, the full format is: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

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