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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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also in the url box for the product image it put the url http://vliegeruit.com/ocs in front of it

so it looks like http://vliegeruit.com/ocs/http://www.otherurl.com

the second quistion is when we import most productdecriptions are cut of after around 250 characters

only not the first and last one as far as i can see , any body an idea , how that possible or can be avoided or changed




i think i found out about the problem of the import limit to 250 characters its has to to with our text file csv

i t did cut off there somewere to max 250 charcters so that was not a problem of EP as far as i can see now


but i hope some one has an answer on the other questions about the quotes and url stuff



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here are the settings

yes we are using 2.76d



Temp Dir:



Split files on: 300 records


Model Num Size: 25


Price with tax: true


Replace quotes: false


Field seperator: tab


Excel safe output: false


Preserve tab/cr/lf: false


Category depth: 7


Enable attributes: true


SEF Froogle URLS: false

thanks for your time Arthur


in the easypopulate.php there is this part about

the replacing of the quotes maybe something must change here?



function walk( $item1 ) {

global $filelayout, $filelayout_count, $modelsize;

global $active, $inactive, $langcode, $default_these, $deleteit, $zero_qty_inactive;

global $epdlanguage_id, $price_with_tax, $replace_quotes;

global $default_images, $default_image_manufacturer, $default_image_product, $default_image_category;

global $separator, $max_categories;

global $excel_safe_output;

// first we clean up the row of data



if ($excel_safe_output == true) {

$items = $item1;

} else {

// chop blanks from each end

$item1 = ltrim(rtrim($item1));


// blow it into an array, splitting on the tabs

$items = explode($separator, $item1);



// make sure all non-set things are set to '';

// and strip the quotes from the start and end of the stings.

// escape any special chars for the database.

foreach( $filelayout as $key=> $value){

$i = $filelayout[$key];

if (isset($items[$i]) == false) {


} else {

// Check to see if either of the magic_quotes are turned on or off;

// And apply filtering accordingly.

if (function_exists('ini_get')) {

//echo "Getting ready to check magic quotes<br>";

if (ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime') == 1){

// The magic_quotes_runtime are on, so lets account for them

// check if the last character is a quote;

// if it is, chop off the quotes.

if (substr($items[$i],-1) == '"'){

$items[$i] = substr($items[$i],2,strlen($items[$i])-4);


// now any remaining doubled double quotes should be converted to one doublequote

$items[$i] = str_replace('\"\"',""",$items[$i]);

if ($replace_quotes){

$items[$i] = str_replace('\"',""",$items[$i]);

$items[$i] = str_replace("\'","'",$items[$i]);


} else { // no magic_quotes are on

// check if the last character is a quote;

// if it is, chop off the 1st and last character of the string.

if (substr($items[$i],-1) == '"'){

$items[$i] = substr($items[$i],1,strlen($items[$i])-2);


// now any remaining doubled double quotes should be converted to one doublequote

$items[$i] = str_replace('""',""",$items[$i]);

if ($replace_quotes){

$items[$i] = str_replace('"',""",$items[$i]);

$items[$i] = str_replace("'","'",$items[$i]);






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nevermind, I solved the problem with the Excel-safe csv-file.

I needed to change the separator to ;

if ($excel_safe_output == true) { $separator = ";"; }

now it works fine :)


I'll probably write a Multilanguage version of EP 2.76d-MS2 if I can find the time doing it and if anyone is


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Can someone guide me to some documentation or a thread about adding additional fields to EP I have a couple custom fields in my products database I would like to be able to download/populate.




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Well.... After installing the latest version I have found that easypopulate doesn't export/import the fields filename, expiry days and maximum download count under product attributes. Is there a quick way to add this fields to be exported/imported into the code?????

>_< drag. since those fields are in the original osC code, I'll take a look at adding that in a future work.

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save the file, then right click and open with and select excel




i've been using Easy Populate for a long time now and just updated from 2.74-MS2 to the newest 2.76d-MS2 by surfalot because of the Excel-safe output.

With regular output as a tab-delimited txt-file surfalot's version works fine, but the Excel-safe output doesn't

seem to create properly formatted files.

When I open the csv-file with a double click Excel reads all the columns in one column like this:


It doesn't separate the columns.

Any ideas?

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i've been using Easy Populate for a long time now and just updated from 2.74-MS2 to the newest 2.76d-MS2 by surfalot because of the Excel-safe output.

With regular output as a tab-delimited txt-file surfalot's version works fine, but the Excel-safe output doesn't

seem to create properly formatted files.

When I open the csv-file with a double click Excel reads all the columns in one column like this:


It doesn't separate the columns.

Any ideas?

I would like to see that failing output so I can understand what data was causing you trouble.

I can't believe excel imports it correctly with semicolons.

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>_< drag. since those fields are in the original osC code, I'll take a look at adding that in a future work.


Thanks... Can you at least post an edited code in the meantime while you update the entire code with other added features???? (I have like 1000 entries which I do not want to do manually one-by-one). :blush:

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I have installed Easy Populate 2.76d-MS2 - Default Language : English(1) with the following


PHP Version: 5.0.4 (Zend: 2.0.4-dev)


Database: MySQL 5.0.21-standard-log


Temp Dir:



Split files on: 300 records


Model Num Size: 12


Price with tax: true


Replace quotes: false


Field seperator: comma


Excel safe output: true


Preserve tab/cr/lf: false


Category depth: 3


Enable attributes: true


SEF Froogle URLS: false


I have changed easypopulate.php with the php 5 update. I have tried every combination suggested in this topic for the settings to the temp dir. I have even tried "nothing" to try and get an error message.


All it does when you try to create a .csv file is refresh the page, I have search through this topic and read eveything I think is of relevence but nothing seems to work. I have not got any contributions installed that should cause a conflict.


Any suggestions please





can you also try the v2.76c version? if that doesn't work either (like another yesterday), there is some pre-existing bug, or newer php bug maybe.

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I'm about to make an online book shop with over 17000 books. Will this contribution allow me upload and delete 1000's of products at a time


Thanks in advance


sorry, no delete feature at the moment

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in the easypopulate.php there is this part about

the replacing of the quotes maybe something must change here?

yes, if replacing quotes with the html equivalent when importing, comment this code out (2 locations). that should stop that.


					$items[$i] = str_replace('\"\"',""",$items[$i]);
				if ($replace_quotes){
					$items[$i] = str_replace('\"',""",$items[$i]);
					$items[$i] = str_replace("\'","'",$items[$i]);





					$items[$i] = str_replace('""',""",$items[$i]);
				if ($replace_quotes){
					$items[$i] = str_replace('"',""",$items[$i]);
					$items[$i] = str_replace("'","'",$items[$i]);

Edited by surfalot
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I would like to see that failing output so I can understand what data was causing you trouble.

I can't believe excel imports it correctly with semicolons.


Actually I found out, that it depends on your regional settings in WindowsXP.

As I have a German WinXP the list separator is set to a semicolon. I would guess that an English XP has

the list separator set to a comma... And that is what Excel expects when opening a csv-file


Now I just need to add an option on the Easy Populate admin page to choose the separator on a case

by case basis, because my brother is working on the same shop from the US and he has an American XP.


Maybe the whole separator thing should be explained in the source code where you set the separator?

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Actually I found out, that it depends on your regional settings in WindowsXP.

As I have a German WinXP the list separator is set to a semicolon. I would guess that an English XP has

the list separator set to a comma... And that is what Excel expects when opening a csv-file


Now I just need to add an option on the Easy Populate admin page to choose the separator on a case

by case basis, because my brother is working on the same shop from the US and he has an American XP.


Maybe the whole separator thing should be explained in the source code where you set the separator?

great, that's good information. it is this issue: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/266200

I can write code to set the list separator according to the browser language for the export, then have the import determine what is being used based on the list separator it finds in the column header row.

that should allow you and your brother to work off the same shop.

I have looked around and I don't see any way to get the list separator from windows itself in PHP or apache system, so this will only work for each country code I know the list separator setting in advance.


find this in easypopulate.php:

if ($excel_safe_output == true) { $separator = ","; }

replace with:

if ($excel_safe_output == true) { 
 if ($language == 'english') { 
$separator = ","; 
 } elseif ($language == 'german') {
$separator = ";";
 } else {
$separator = ","; // default for all others.

then find this in easypopulate.php:

	  while($line = fgetcsv($fp,32768,$separator))   // read new line (max 32K bytes)

add just before it:

	  $header_line = fgets($fp);
  if (strpos($header_line,',') !== false) {$separator = ',';}
  if (strpos($header_line,';') !== false) {$separator = ';';}
  if (strpos($header_line,"\t") !== false) {$separator = "\t";}
  if (strpos($header_line,"~") !== false) {$separator = "~";}
  if (strpos($header_line,"-") !== false) {$separator = "-";}
  if (strpos($header_line,"*") !== false) {$separator = "*";}

hope this helps... feedback is always appreciated!

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Hmm I am getting the same error as Mike listed above. All it does is refresh the page when I click anything. For some reason the script isnt running. I see the page and buttons just fine. When I click a download txt file button or any other button it just refreshes..







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Hmm I am getting the same error as Mike listed above. All it does is refresh the page when I click anything. For some reason the script isnt running. I see the page and buttons just fine. When I click a download txt file button or any other button it just refreshes..







still looking for someone with this problem to help narrow down the issue for us...

Make absolutely sure your temp dir is set correctly.

can you also try the v2.76c version? same problem or no?

see post 4919 and please report the last line number that code was on when you could see the "I'm Here" displayed.

Edited by surfalot
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i am using Easy Populate 2.76d-MS2 - Default Language : English(1)


Im not sure what you mean by last line number that code was on..


Is there a function somewhere that will step through the code or something?


The link you posted was to the top of the page 247.. Am I missing something more??


I REALLY appreciate your quick response...

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I out of general ideas, the next step I would take on that box (if you are really determined to find the problem), is to start at line 311 of easypopulate.php. Add this in the blank space there:

echo "I'm here";

the upload, open easypopulate in your browser, try a download. You should see "I'm Here" be displayed. Then move that 2 line block of code down to another break in the code and try again. when you stop seeing that "I'm Here" displayed we'll know where it blows-up.

The last line of the download code is 686. so you can stop there.


Im on it... will let you know.. Thanks

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I can see it when its like this..

echo "I'm here";

if ( $download == 'stream' or  $download == 'activestream' or  $download == 'tempfile' ){

$filestring = ""; // this holds the csv file we want to download


I cant see it when its like this...


// E N D

if ( $download == 'stream' or  $download == 'activestream' or  $download == 'tempfile' ){
echo "I'm here";
$filestring = ""; // this holds the csv file we want to download
$result = tep_db_query($filelayout_sql);
$row =  tep_db_fetch_array($result);


So I guess the problem is with the variable $Download ???

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So I guess the problem is with the variable $Download ???

yup, I see now. try this:


if ( $download == 'stream' or  $download == 'activestream' or  $download == 'tempfile' ){


replace with:

if ( !empty($_GET['download']) && ($_GET['download'] == 'stream' or $_GET['download'] == 'activestream' or $_GET['download'] == 'tempfile') ){

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Well its doing more now.. Nice find... I am getting an error now tho..


1065 - Query was empty


are u using the register globals fix by chance? any issues with the globals that you know of?

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I can NOT see "I'm Here" with this I get that error..


	$filestring = ""; // this holds the csv file we want to download
$result = tep_db_query($filelayout_sql);
$row =  tep_db_fetch_array($result);
		echo "I'm here";


I CAN see "I'm Here" with this

			echo "I'm here";
$filestring = ""; // this holds the csv file we want to download
$result = tep_db_query($filelayout_sql);
$row =  tep_db_fetch_array($result);

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