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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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sorry for the any inconvenience as i have mistakenly posted this in contribution support as well. i'm new and need some time to get my head round here!


anyways, i've just downloaded easypopulate. it seems to work fine except that my images are not uploaded!! i checked the path to the pictures and they seem to be right! i tried a few times but i still can't see the images. in fact i get broken image links! can anybody help please.

Did you try? Did you fail? No matter! Try again. Fail again! But fail better!

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your images will never be uploaded via easypopuolate, it is only a tool to use to tell osCommerce where the images are stored (you have to upload them via an ftp program).

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tameka, explain your settings to me, ie your temp directory path, also what is your document root. what is the top portion of your configure.php. just stating that you cant find your products doesnt help anyone. give us a little background here.

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Dear Mibble, so i understand i should ftp images to the rite direcory and in EP product image filed simply put, for example, /images/dell/laptop.jpg .



Did you try? Did you fail? No matter! Try again. Fail again! But fail better!

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I'd like to add software products to my catalog with EP 2.74.


I added uploaded and inserted this file Microsoft_MOLP_2004j?n30.txt into the database. Everything goes to its place fine under the directory catalog/softwares/microsoft/MOLP/...

The directory structure is 4 level deep.


Then I tried to insert the next one Microsoft_OSL_2004j?l01.txt but it goes to the directory catalog/OSL/...

This dir structure is 6 level deep.


Why dont want the OSL directory be under the folder catalog/microsoft/... ???

Both file has the same dir structure the only difference is the directory depht.


My Webshop


Please look on my txt files maybe one of you will find what cause this malfunction.


Thx, Andrew

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sorry i didnt read all of your post. put the exact text here that you have in your easypopulate file. if these files are to be for download they have to go into the download directory

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Are there any restrictions to upload long image filenames through EP or OsC woont accept filenames like this: E8700_Front_L.jpg or this D100_+_MB-D100_Side.jpg by default?


Shorter filenames inserted successfully into the database.



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filenames are a matter of the operating system, thus there is no limitation, however if you dont keep track of the files, using large and small letters, can be bad. windows doesnt care, treats caps and small as same, *nix treats each as specific characters.

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I have posted 2 different posts in the Contrib forum but no replies, so after reading a few other easypopulate topics, I sough that this is the SUPPORT topic for EP. Sop here is my question:


I have a store to sell Motorcycle parts. I have installed EP 2.74 on OSC2.2MS2 and it works fine.


My problem is, several bikes can have the same item on it. the way this is setup in OSC is:



Product model CTL-0023

Product name 2000-2004 Honda CBR600RR


Here is the problem. this part can fit on several other bikes. Hence, the product model is the same but the product name is different (to indicate the model of bike it fits on). When I upload a EP .txt file that has product model # matching and existing product, it does not add the new item, it updates the existing on.


So my questions is, can EP be setup to to looks for a products_id instead of the Products_name column to add/update items ?


Also, I need to add more columns, specificaly for individual product shipping and the columns for the Price Break mod. Can this also be done? I sough in the EP 2.74 that it states it does not support Price Break Mod, why is that?


Thanks, and I hope this time I'm posting in the correct forum.




P.S.: Where can I donate for this mod? If I can make this work, that would be definitly a donation support for this mod!

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your best bet, if you want to have different descriptions but the same model # is to use a hyphen with a letter or number, ie if the part number is HG9123 then you should set one to be HG9123-A, the next to be HG9123-B this way you will be able to have a different description for the same product. there is no way to do it the way you want it. i dont know of any system that is electronic that allows you to do it the way you suggested.

you have to add extra fields for using different contributions, EP was written for the standard osCommerce package, thus not everyone has a price break mod so you need to add that manually.

for donating, i will see if VJ is going to be doing more with this, i think he had gotten deluged with personal support emails and was tough for him to do any work in his real job. which is one of my adamant reasons when people post outside the contribution support threads for the particuloar contribution they are asking about, i point them to the proper one.

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Will do,


so like you said, there is no way to base the reference off of the products_id instead of products_name. Damn ! I thought it would simply be to change the reference, where ever that is, to look for the specific column id.


Is there a doc written about adding new columns for import and export of EP .txt file that you could point me to?


Thanks for the reply!

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After all images with long filenames wont appear in the catalog.


I tested and realised that the image path is longer than 64 character (including the path+image filename with "dot" and extension) than the image wont appear in the catalog.


So I think there is a character barrier in OsC or in EP.


Any idea?

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After all images with long filenames wont appear in the catalog.


I tested and realised that the image path is longer than 64 character (including the path+image filename with "dot" and extension) than the image wont appear in the catalog.


So I think there is a character barrier in OsC or in EP.


Any idea?

Can you give a example of the path name?


Do you mean where the files are located in OSC?

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After all images with long filenames wont appear in the catalog.


I tested and realised that the image path is longer than 64 character (including the path+image filename with "dot" and extension) than the image wont appear in the catalog.


So I think there is a character barrier in OsC or in EP.


Any idea?

Can you give a example of the path name?


Do you mean where the files are located in OSC?

Here's the sample, directory names are hungarian but it doesnt matter.


EP csv files contains only the path after www.domain.com/catalog/images/...


so the sample is: .../fenykepezogepek/nikon/digitalis kompakt/halado amator/E8700f.jpg


This could be accepted by EP and OsC the image will appear at the right place.


But if I add some characters to exceed the 64 char. then the image wont be visible.

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File-naming Limitations - A UNIX file or directory name can have as many as 256 characters, but cannot contain the following characters: [ ] ( ) & @ ! ....


your temp directory path in your EP file should be /catalog/temp/


your path for the image should be fenykepezogepek/nikon/digitalis kompakt/halado amator/E8700f.jpg

this sets up a relative path to the image when uploading.

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I am getting the following error:


Warning: main(includes/database_tables.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/admin/easypopulate.php on line 157


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/database_tables.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php/PEAR') in /home/httpd/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/admin/easypopulate.php on line 157



I am presuming this is because I am using an older snapshot (Apr 2002) and that there is no database_tables.php file.


Is there anyway around this?



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