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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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Hello All,


I have a question regarding EP I would like to have EP set up to where If a model number is not uploaded back to the database it automaticly deletes it from the database.


For example:











Then when I upload this into my shop model number 6 gets deleted.

it take by far way to long to compare model numbers that is in my suppliers file and with what I have in my EP file.


Is there a way to do this and if so how would I do this?


Thank you,



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Id like to know the answer to this as well


Ive read right thru this topic and im nore confused than i was before... and in the contributions page theres a post saying not to use 3.0.


So which one works properly?


Is this module PHP5 and MYSQL 5 compliant?



You need easy_populate_V2_76B_1


Basically the newer looking ones have extra feilds that need commenting out to get them to work. So stick with what you know, thats what i say.

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What am I doing wrong? I have installed a version of EP followed the instructions and now when I upload files i get this message


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpJtYXld

User filename: ebcclutches2006.txt

Size: 278935

1054 - Unknown column 'p.products_price1_qty' in 'field list'


SELECT p.products_id as v_products_id, p.products_model as v_products_model, p.products_image as v_products_image, p.products_price as v_products_price, p.products_price1_qty as v_products_price1_qty, p.products_price1 as v_products_price1, p.products_price2_qty as v_products_price2_qty, p.products_price2 as v_products_price2, p.products_price3_qty as v_products_price3_qty, p.products_price3 as v_products_price3, p.products_price4_qty as v_products_price4_qty, p.products_price4 as v_products_price4, p.products_price5_qty as v_products_price5_qty, p.products_price5 as v_products_price5, p.products_price6_qty as v_products_price6_qty, p.products_price6 as v_products_price6, p.products_price7_qty as v_products_price7_qty, p.products_price7 as v_products_price7, p.products_price8_qty as v_products_price8_qty, p.products_price8 as v_products_price8, p.products_qty_blocks as v_products_qty_blocks, p.products_weight as v_products_weight, p.products_date_added as v_date_avail, p.products_tax_class_id as v_tax_class_id, p.products_quantity as v_products_quantity, p.manufacturers_id as v_manufacturers_id, subc.categories_id as v_categories_id FROM products as p, categories as subc, products_to_categories as ptoc WHERE p.products_id = ptoc.products_id AND p.products_model = 'CK1105' AND ptoc.categories_id = subc.categories_id




The file exists in the temp directory just not getting past this point !!!!


Please if anyone can help get back to me ASAP.


Thanks in advance




Its a common problem, try using easy_populate_V2_76B_1, basically the sql is simply looking for a colum in the database that does not exsist. I'm guessing but your probably trying to use 2.9 without the other mods it exspects.


Other than that waste hours commenting out what it doesn't need to look for ;)

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I have a slight problem with EP.


When I download a Model, Price, Quantity file everything works fine.

When I uplaod the revised version (same format tab delimited .txt) no changes are made as to the quantity of the products


Example one product has currently 19 availible, my new EP file had 51 after upload it still says I have 19.


Does anyone have any suggestions,

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You need easy_populate_V2_76B_1


Basically the newer looking ones have extra feilds that need commenting out to get them to work. So stick with what you know, thats what i say.


Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated :D

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Hi Ya


When you import the data into excell you need define the colum as a text feild not general, as excel assumes you wanted it to be a numeric value if left.


Hope that helps






Ummm but... if I want to change the column as text, I need to open the document first, and when I do it, the default is "general", and if I change it to text, the aspect is the same as with general... :huh:

Forums, the perfect place to practice my English. From Spain.

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Ummm but... if I want to change the column as text, I need to open the document first, and when I do it, the default is "general", and if I change it to text, the aspect is the same as with general... :huh:


Hey Dude


Don't open the document first or it will do exactly what you said, but instead do an import.


Open Excel and have a blank work book open - go to > Data > Import External Data > Import Data


Find the tab file then fill in the relevant bit I.E its tab delimited and there no text qualifiers.


Then just do the jive with the changing the fields on the next page and it really should work.


Hope this helps



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What you say works correctly, but I think that the problem is when I save de document... When I save it as text delimited by tabs, a message appears: EP2006jul05-1010.txt can have incompatibles characteristic with tabs delimited text. Do you want to preserve he book's format?


If I clic YES, all the column format (included the column as text, colors...) will be erased, and if I clic NO, I can't save it...


Any ideas?


Thanks for your time.

Forums, the perfect place to practice my English. From Spain.

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What you say works correctly, but I think that the problem is when I save de document... When I save it as text delimited by tabs, a message appears: EP2006jul05-1010.txt can have incompatibles characteristic with tabs delimited text. Do you want to preserve he book's format?


If I clic YES, all the column format (included the column as text, colors...) will be erased, and if I clic NO, I can't save it...


Any ideas?


Thanks for your time.


Hum not sure at this time. I'd have to have a look later. But when you say "will be erased" Have you actually said yes. Then looked at the outputted data in notepad or wordpad?

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Forget everything what I have said. It works correctly. Since I've opened the .txt with excel as you said, now I can save without problems and when I open it again, it works fine.


Thanks a lot!!!!!! (K)

Forums, the perfect place to practice my English. From Spain.

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Hi there, I got a small problem with the imports from Easy Populate.


Heres a sample of the code before input

<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
 <tr bgcolor="#F1F1F1">
<td width="30%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Make</td>
<td width="70%">Thermaltake</td>
<td width="70%">Hardcano 12 SE </td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Part number </td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">A2349</td>
<td>Device Space</td>
<td> 5.25” Half height device * 1</td>


Then when I do the import, goto edit the product it then looks like this:


<table width=ට%"  border=Ŕ" cellpadding=ř" cellspacing=ŕ" class="maintable">	<tr bgcolor="#F1F1F1">	  <td width=൦%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Make</td>	  <td width=ඎ%">Thermaltake</td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td>Model</td>	  <td width=ඎ%">Hardcano 12 SE </td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Part number </td>	  <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">A2349</td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td>


Any ideas why this might be happening. I already worked out that this contrib hates the " ' " in anything but thats fine I can work around that.

Things still to do before going "live" in no real order...

Change "buy now buttons" css styles

Change "lets see what we have here" into something meaningfull

Main logo of the website

Sort out currency to make site UK only (at present)

Remove "xx requests since" stuff

Update mainpage :D

Move shopping cart status into header

Add in stock status to product listing page

Define styles for product listing standardisation

Change CSS background for Headings

Increase Category size headings

Used mods so far:- basic_design_pack1mk7 | Google XML sitemap w admin | Paypal IPN v 1.2 | Feedmachine | pricematch_1_3_1 | Dynamic Sitemap 1.6 | Whos online Enhancement | Easypopulate 2.72


Each one that I solve I;ll be putting a post on the forum in a "completed shop" thread that Im writing up

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Hi there, I got a small problem with the imports from Easy Populate.


Heres a sample of the code before input

<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
 <tr bgcolor="#F1F1F1">
<td width="30%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Make</td>
<td width="70%">Thermaltake</td>
<td width="70%">Hardcano 12 SE </td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Part number </td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">A2349</td>
<td>Device Space</td>
<td> 5.25” Half height device * 1</td>


Then when I do the import, goto edit the product it then looks like this:


<table width=ට%"  border=Ŕ" cellpadding=ř" cellspacing=ŕ" class="maintable">	<tr bgcolor="#F1F1F1">	  <td width=൦%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Make</td>	  <td width=ඎ%">Thermaltake</td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td>Model</td>	  <td width=ඎ%">Hardcano 12 SE </td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Part number </td>	  <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">A2349</td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td>


Any ideas why this might be happening. I already worked out that this contrib hates the " ' " in anything but thats fine I can work around that.


Ok I'm a big fan of guessing so....

I've not used EP to actually import tables, but I can see its doing a convert on the " in your code.

Browsers are pretty good at formatting code these days, so try stripping the " out.

I've not looked but there's probably a character convert funtion in the EP code somewhere, so you could just tell it to forget about changing any " but you'll probably kill it. LOL


Oh the bunching effect won't hurt anything, but it might be EP stripping unwanted tabs etc.

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I tried splitting a large file via easy populate adming. It whent through the process, no message came up sayng if it was completed or not and no files are in the temp folder on the server.


does anyone know what might be causing this?

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I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere in here before, but searching on "apostrophe" returns too many results. :)


Why can't Easy Populate look for apostrophes in fields and "act accordingly" instead of requiring the user to escape, using the \ character?


Alternatively, could there be an option to insert the escape character when an apostrophe is found during a download?


When updating catalogs, I often begin with an EasyPopulate download, then edit the file and upload it. Too often I forget (I know, user error) to put the \ in front of apostrophes.

Mike in Key West

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I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere in here before, but searching on "apostrophe" returns too many results. :)


Why can't Easy Populate look for apostrophes in fields and "act accordingly" instead of requiring the user to escape, using the \ character?


Alternatively, could there be an option to insert the escape character when an apostrophe is found during a download?


When updating catalogs, I often begin with an EasyPopulate download, then edit the file and upload it. Too often I forget (I know, user error) to put the \ in front of apostrophes.


Here is some code found at the begining of an easypopulate 3.0 file: it does it!

// **** Quote -> Escape character conversion ****
// If you have extensive html in your descriptions and it's getting mangled on upload, turn this off
// set to 1 = replace quotes with escape characters
// set to 0 = no quote replacement
global $replace_quotes;
$replace_quotes = true;


If you are running a version 2.X, you may take a look at a version 3.0 code and see how it works. I know many people hate the version 3 because they couldn't make it work, but this may help you...

Edited by pixclinic
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Hi there, I got a small problem with the imports from Easy Populate.


Heres a sample of the code before input

<table width="95%"  border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
 <tr bgcolor="#F1F1F1">
<td width="30%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Make</td>
<td width="70%">Thermaltake</td>
<td width="70%">Hardcano 12 SE </td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Part number </td>
<td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">A2349</td>
<td>Device Space</td>
<td> 5.25” Half height device * 1</td>


Then when I do the import, goto edit the product it then looks like this:


<table width=ට%"  border=Ŕ" cellpadding=ř" cellspacing=ŕ" class="maintable">	<tr bgcolor="#F1F1F1">	  <td width=൦%" bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Make</td>	  <td width=ඎ%">Thermaltake</td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td>Model</td>	  <td width=ඎ%">Hardcano 12 SE </td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">Part number </td>	  <td bgcolor="#F1F1F1">A2349</td>	</tr>	<tr>	  <td>


Any ideas why this might be happening. I already worked out that this contrib hates the " ' " in anything but thats fine I can work around that.

I think i found a solution. At leats for me worked.

Set $replace_quotes = false; , not true.

If you use a version wher you can set it false/true from Admin > Configuration > Easy Populate > Replace Quotes, set it false.

The only problem was with " ' " which i changed it like this: " \' " , using notepad.

Upload the products and go to admin to edit one of them. Now it show exactly what i have uploaded.

In your case should be exactly <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">...

Just try.

Edited by invasi0n
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Sorry if I've got this wrong, but... I've had nothing but issues with folder rights in windows.


I got a simalar message i think. I ended up simply creating a temp folder in the catolog folder, then right clicking it and then giving access to it under sharing and security to the relevant users. Then all was ok.


Like i said "i think" I've had a proper long day.



Hi Eric,

Just wondered if you were able to make the changes from the old Froogle feeder style to the new Base feeder style?


can you tell us how to make the changes!!


Appreciate your help.


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Problem (no surprise otherwise i probably wouldn't post)

I've had EP installed for about a month and I have ran into a problem

it won't let me have more than 6 categories :(

I need the 7th one so people don't order the wrong piece.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I'm running 2.74 with MVS 1.1 also installed and functioning (as far as I can tell)

I'm holding off on taking the Catalog live until I get everything working perfectly so any help would be appreciated.

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Problem (no surprise otherwise i probably wouldn't post)

I've had EP installed for about a month and I have ran into a problem

it won't let me have more than 6 categories :(

I need the 7th one so people don't order the wrong piece.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I'm running 2.74 with MVS 1.1 also installed and functioning (as far as I can tell)

I'm holding off on taking the Catalog live until I get everything working perfectly so any help would be appreciated.


are you talking about 6 categories or six LEVELS of categories/subcategories. EP is made to handle 6 levels of depth (which is TMHO way enough. If not, you have a problem organizing your products :-) and an unlimited number of categories/subcategories. I just want to be sure that you understand that the columns in EP are not categories, but LEVELS....

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are you talking about 6 categories or six LEVELS of categories/subcategories. EP is made to handle 6 levels of depth (which is TMHO way enough. If not, you have a problem organizing your products :-) and an unlimited number of categories/subcategories. I just want to be sure that you understand that the columns in EP are not categories, but LEVELS....

ok, so 6 levels is all it will go.

I need at least 7

I changed the max category levels to 9.


// **** Max Category Levels ****
// change this if you need more or fewer categories
global $max_categories;
$max_categories = 9; // 7 is default


I had it at 64 at one point just to test and it didn't help


is there someplace else I need to change something too?

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ok, so 6 levels is all it will go.

I need at least 7

I changed the max category levels to 9.


// **** Max Category Levels ****
// change this if you need more or fewer categories
global $max_categories;
$max_categories = 9; // 7 is default


I had it at 64 at one point just to test and it didn't help


is there someplace else I need to change something too?


Just curious, could you post your categories so I can see why you need more than 6 levels?

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acura > CL > 97 > CV axle > 4 cylinder > Automatic Transmission > With ABS


So far that is a deep as they go, but as I add more things they will go deeper out of neccessity.




my easypopulate file contains this around line 100:




this is where you need to declare more categories names

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my easypopulate file contains this around line 100:




this is where you need to declare more categories names

That is not in my easypopulate.php


closest thing I have is starting @ line 366

				// for the categories, we need to keep looping until we find the root category

			// start with v_categories_id
			// Get the category description
			// set the appropriate variable name
			// if parent_id is not null, then follow it up.
			// we'll populate an aray first, then decide where it goes in the
			$thecategory_id = $row['v_categories_id'];
			$fullcategory = ''; // this will have the entire category stack for froogle
			for( $categorylevel=1; $categorylevel<$max_categories+1; $categorylevel++){
					if ($thecategory_id){
							$sql2 = "SELECT categories_name
											categories_id = " . $thecategory_id . " AND
											language_id = " . $epdlanguage_id;

							$result2 = tep_db_query($sql2);
							$row2 =  tep_db_fetch_array($result2);
							// only set it if we found something
							$temprow['v_categories_name_' . $categorylevel] = $row2['categories_name'];
							// now get the parent ID if there was one
							$sql3 = "SELECT parent_id
											categories_id = " . $thecategory_id;
							$result3 = tep_db_query($sql3);
							$row3 =  tep_db_fetch_array($result3);
							$theparent_id = $row3['parent_id'];
							if ($theparent_id != ''){
									// there was a parent ID, lets set thecategoryid to get the next level
									$thecategory_id = $theparent_id;
							} else {
									// we have found the top level category for this item,
									$thecategory_id = false;
							//$fullcategory .= " > " . $row2['categories_name'];
							$fullcategory = $row2['categories_name'] . " > " . $fullcategory;
					} else {
							$temprow['v_categories_name_' . $categorylevel] = '';
			// now trim off the last ">" from the category stack
			$row['v_category_fullpath'] = substr($fullcategory,0,strlen($fullcategory)-3);

			// temprow has the old style low to high level categories.
			$newlevel = 1;
			// let's turn them into high to low level categories
			for( $categorylevel=6; $categorylevel>0; $categorylevel--){
					if ($temprow['v_categories_name_' . $categorylevel] != ''){
							$row['v_categories_name_' . $newlevel++] = $temprow['v_categories_name_' . $categorylevel];

what version of EP is yours?

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