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Easy Populate & Products Attributes


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I should have put a warning on that link ;) I sort of meant it as an example on how to set up your 2.9 ep file to work with mopics. The code you see on my page is from 2.74, which works differently than 2.9.


Main differences


2.74 keeps the easypopulate_functions.php in the same folder as the easypopulate.php file (both in /admin)


Your error occurs because my 2.74 ep file can't find your ep functions file, because it's in your admin/includes/functions directory.


If you want to use the 2.74 code including mopics that I posted, you'll need to move your easypopulate_functions.php file up into your admin directory w/the easypopulate.php file.


2.74 configuration settings are in the easypopulate.php file (not in admin), so I'm not sure on what conflict that will cause. Probably need to fully 'downgrade' to the way 2.74 works, and get the ep configuration out of your admin panel and keep it strictly in your ep file...but I would make that the last hurdle. Just move the functions file first.


Hi Choosealogin,

I replaced my easypopulate.php with the one in your last post and now I get the folowing 2 errors when trying to upload a file. http://thehappiestmanalive.com/temp/error_line164.jpg

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Kudos to you choosealogin! :) I just moved the functions file to the admin section and that worked.

I used a VB macro to combine columns in Excel instead of using extra product fields.

I would love to know if anyone knows a successful way of combining these contribs together - EasyPopulate, More_pics 6v1.2 and Category Fields v_1.01.

Has anyone successfully integrated them?


I should have put a warning on that link ;) I sort of meant it as an example on how to set up your 2.9 ep file to work with mopics. The code you see on my page is from 2.74, which works differently than 2.9.


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I just installed the newest EP contrib by choosealogin based upon Mibble's EP 2.76. I have been able to download a csv file and upload it properly. However, if I try uploading the same exact file again, I have a problem: there seems to be duplicate products. For some of the products, it seems to always think they are new ones and inserts them again. I'm wondering why this is?


I tried deleting the entire category under categories/products. I imagine that this deletes the items from the database. But apparently not, because the products_id is different from the same products that I inserted before the deletion of the category.

e.g. /product_info.php?cPath=27&products_id=89 //89 used to be a different number for the same product!


Does anyone have this same problem and/or a solution for it?




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All right, I solved the problem!

It seems that my product model number exceeded the default varchar(12) amt specified by osCommerce. I just increased that number and everything works now.

I hope this will help someone else.





I just installed the newest EP contrib by choosealogin based upon Mibble's EP 2.76. I have been able to download a csv file and upload it properly. However, if I try uploading the same exact file again, I have a problem: there seems to be duplicate products. For some of the products, it seems to always think they are new ones and inserts them again. I'm wondering why this is?


I tried deleting the entire category under categories/products. I imagine that this deletes the items from the database. But apparently not, because the products_id is different from the same products that I inserted before the deletion of the category.

e.g. /product_info.php?cPath=27&products_id=89 //89 used to be a different number for the same product!


Does anyone have this same problem and/or a solution for it?




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Hello All.


I've just tried to read the 200 odd pages to solve my uploading issue with EZpoulate.


I'f I edit a downloaded file and try to upload it I get this error:


Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/rihacftp/www/temp/EP2006May19-1604.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rihacftp/www/admin/includes/functions/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32


Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/home/rihacftp/tmp/phpI0u1aJ' to '/home/rihacftp/www/temp/EP2006May19-1604.txt' in /home/rihacftp/www/admin/includes/functions/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32








Warning: file(): Unable to access /home/rihacftp/www/temp/EP2006May19-1604.txt in /home/rihacftp/www/admin/easypopulate.php on line 671


Warning: file(/home/rihacftp/www/temp/EP2006May19-1604.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rihacftp/www/admin/easypopulate.php on line 671


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/rihacftp/www/admin/easypopulate.php on line 693



Can anybody help me out here....I'm just about pulling my hair out.





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:blush: Ummm...Mibble deserves ALL of the credit for that one. I just wanted to revive it to alleviate some of the confusion. My little quote mark wasn't even causing a big problem, it was just messing up the color formatting in my PHP editor ;)


Anyway, the point it please be careful...i.e. don't download 2.9 unless you need the contributions that it was made to support. As far as I know, 2.9 works as long as you need it for sppc and qty price breaks :)


I just installed the newest EP contrib by choosealogin based upon Mibble's EP 2.76....
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I'm having trouble with HTML Product Descriptions... Here's the link you can see the error? http://www.nowink.com/product_info.php?products_id=148

The main problem is the style of the table. I?m wondering anyone have any idea to fix it?


The code for the Product Descriptions

<table width="100%" border="0" class="ProduceText"> <tr> <td>Cyan Compatible Inkjet Cartridge manufactured by one of the best ink production company with an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. The quality of the ink cartridges guarantees to meet or exceed all specification for the Epson T048220.</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#cccccc" class="ProduceText"> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor="#cccccc"><strong>Epson Compatible Printers</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top"><strong>Epson Stylus Photo Series</strong><br /> R200<br /> R300<br /> R300M<br /> R320<br /> R340<br /> RX500<br /> RX600<br /> RX620</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>


If you use a tab delimited file EP gets confused with your description because of all of the spaces between you html code. To fix this either delete the spaces or even easier fix change it to like shift+6 delimited file(^) this will fix your problem.


Hope this helps,


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I'm a total noob to osCommerce. I've browsed the contribs, and found a couple I thought would help my site, right off the top. EP was one of those, so I downloaded 2.90b(I also downloaded sppc), and started out by doing the unthinkable... I read the documentation. Guess what! It doesn't match the release! Step 5 in the manual says to review the 'Configuration Variables' section in easypopulate.php, and there's no such section. Additionally, there were several variables mentioned that might need to be changed, and I couldn't find them, either. Finally, although I was able to add the code to add EP to the admin function, when I clicked on it, I got a path error in easypopulate.php, and the error message pointed to line 52, and the functions module. The doc said to install the functions module in the admin directory, as well as the main module. however, it appears that the functions are being looked for in the includes directrory, as the module was located in the zip file. :(


I would really like to be able to use this contrib to maintain my attributes/products tables, but trying to find the resolutions through 200+ pages in this forum is rather daunting. I know I can't be the first with problems like this, but I can't seem to find the solutions. Can someone who has worked/is working on this contrib please take the time to update the doc so it matches the php files?


One last thing, there is no mention anywhere in the documentation about an update.sql file, yet there is one in the download. What is it for, and what does it do?


thanks for listening to me ramble,


Edited by clintc12
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i have added EP to my store and i have tried for the life of me to figure out waht is wrong but i cant so im now asking for help


whenever i go to Download Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit i click it.....and nothing happens.


same thing happens when i try to DL the temp one.


can anyone help?



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Do any of the other functions work, such as


Download Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit

Download Model/Price/Qty tab-delimited .txt file to edit

Download Model/Category tab-delimited .txt file to edit

Download Froogle tab-delimited .txt file




Create Complete tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir

Create Model/Price/Qty tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir

Create Model/Category tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir


Create Model/Attributes tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir

I still can not get anything to work at all , any help why that happens ?

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I read the documentation. Guess what! It doesn't match the release! Step 5 in the manual says to review the 'Configuration Variables' section in easypopulate.php, and there's no such section. Additionally, there were several variables mentioned that might need to be changed, and I couldn't find them, either




I'm still new to all of this as well. I'm NOT an expert on PHP, OSC, or EP, or any other computer related acronym :blink: . I can understand your frustration. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but it's the best free ecommerce software I could find :) Once you get the hang of it, it's really cool and not so frustrating.


The confusion about the configuration variables,SQL, and the EP functions file location go hand in hand. They all came into play somewhere around 2.8, I think ...although they might have appeared and dissappeared sometime earlier too.


You figured out where to put the functions file, that's good! :)


You couldn't find the config. variables because they will be in your admin panel, after you run the SQL file.


I'm partial to the version(s) that have the configuration variables in the EP file. I don't see a great benefit in making the configuration interface warm and fuzzy, when they really only need to be set once...but that's another issue. That's my rant ;)


I see you want to use SPPC, which is probably why you picked EP 2.9. I see a lot of people have troubles with 2.9, but it must work (somehow)...especially if you want it for SPPC.


The SQL file will put the configuration variables for EP in your admin panel menu. You will be able to set the config. there. You can use phpmyadmin (usually accessible from your control panel ...the control panel your host provided you, not osc). BACKUP your DATABASE FIRST. Once you're there, there will be a little "SQL" button...click it...paste the code from the update.sql file in the window and click "go". That's it.


I would really like to be able to use this contrib to maintain my attributes/products tables, but trying to find the resolutions through 200+ pages in this forum is rather daunting. I know I can't be the first with problems like this, but I can't seem to find the solutions.


I had a failed EP installation, came here, skimmed the last 10 pages and went back and dowloaded the version I kept seeing referred to as "the one that works"...that was 2.74 (or 2.76) ...and it does work. And with my remedial level PHP skills I was able to put some extra fields in for my needs. It really wasn't hard, the best part was that the contribution was EASY and error free.


Can someone who has worked/is working on this contrib please take the time to update the doc so it matches the php files?


I can tell that someone took a LOT of time writing that 2.6 manual. It's really nice, but you're right...it doesn't apply to some of the versions. The contribution has gone in too many different directions for one nice easy manual...but hopefully that day will come.

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I honestly don't know the answer to the 'nothing happens' problem. Looks like faris10 still has that problem too :(


What version are you using?


i have added EP to my store and i have tried for the life of me to figure out waht is wrong but i cant so im now asking for help


whenever i go to Download Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit i click it.....and nothing happens.


same thing happens when i try to DL the temp one.


can anyone help?



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If it's 2.9, all I can think of is:


did you run the sql file successfully?


did you check all of your configuration variables for EP (should be in your admin panel for 2.9)?


Did you put the easypopulate.php file in catalog/admin and


the easypopulate_functions.php file in the catalog/admin/includes/functions directory (since it's ver. 2.9)?


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If it's 2.9, all I can think of is:


did you run the sql file successfully?


did you check all of your configuration variables for EP (should be in your admin panel for 2.9)?


Did you put the easypopulate.php file in catalog/admin and


the easypopulate_functions.php file in the catalog/admin/includes/functions directory (since it's ver. 2.9)?

What version do u want me to use I will do that , I will re install the shopping cart. Thanks

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I've followed the install instructions to a tee and also the read me 1st file.


I've made the configuration changes where necessary and changed DOCUMENT_ROOT to $DOCUMENT_ROOT.


My temp directory has the correct path in the config file also.


I can download a Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit, allthough it has added a few attributes that weren't originally in the product?


When i come to upload a file into the database here's how i do it.


1, upload the .txt file to catalog/temp folder via ftp

2, select easy populate in the admin panel and use the Import from Temp Dir

3, Type the file name in the box (filename only ie: EP2006May19-2008.txt)

4, Insert into Database


I am presented with the following:


Filename: EP2006May19-2008.txt


Warning: file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT/catalog/temp/EP2006May19-2008.txt) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /websites/LinuxPackage03/fa/nc/yd/fancydressretail.co.uk/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 685


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /websites/LinuxPackage03/fa/nc/yd/fancydressretail.co.uk/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 690


Lines 685 to 690 in my easypopulate.php file are thus:


$readed = file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $tempdir . $localfile);



// now we string the entire thing together in case there were carriage returns in the data

$newreaded = "";

foreach ($readed as $read){


Any ideas?


Many Thanks


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If it's 2.9, all I can think of is:


did you run the sql file successfully?


did you check all of your configuration variables for EP (should be in your admin panel for 2.9)?


Did you put the easypopulate.php file in catalog/admin and


the easypopulate_functions.php file in the catalog/admin/includes/functions directory (since it's ver. 2.9)?



i didnt do anything with an sql file...


is this that file?


DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_TEMP_DIR';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_SET_TIME_LIMIT';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_MAX_RECS';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_CAT_IMAGE';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_MANF_IMAGE';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_PROD_IMAGE';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_ZERO_QTY';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_PRICE_INC_TAX';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_REPLACE_QUOTES';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_DELIMITER';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_MAX_CAT';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_PROD_ATTR';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_FROOGLE_PROD';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_FROOGLE_IMG';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_SEF_URLS';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_STATUS_ACTIVE';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_STATUS_INACTIVE';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_STATUS_DELETE';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_USE_AO';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_NO_DUPL';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_CONTRIB_SPPC';

DELETE FROM configuration WHERE configuration_key='EP_CONTRIB_QTPRO';


DELETE FROM configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id='17' AND configuration_group_title='Easy Populate' AND configuration_group_description='Easy Populate' AND sort_order='17';


INSERT INTO configuration_group (configuration_group_id, configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description, sort_order, visible) VALUES ('17', 'Easy Populate', 'Easy Populate', '17', '1');


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Temp Directory', 'EP_TEMP_DIR', 'temp/', 'If you changed your directory structure from stock and do not have /catalog/temp/, then you need to change this accordingly.', 17, 1, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Set Time Limt', 'EP_SET_TIME_LIMIT', 'false', 'Set to "true" if you are not on a safe mode server and you are getting timeouts.', 17, 2, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Max Split Records', 'EP_MAX_RECS', '300', 'If you are splitting files, this will set the maximum number of records to put in each file.', 17, 3, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Default Category Image', 'EP_CAT_IMAGE', '', 'Default category image used when auto-creating categories (eg. "no_image_category.gif")', 17, 4, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Default Manufacturer Image', 'EP_MANF_IMAGE', '', 'Default manufacturer image used when auto-creating manufacturers (eg. "no_image_manufacturer.gif")', 17, 5, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Default Products Image', 'EP_PROD_IMAGE', '', 'Default product image used when auto-creating products (eg. "no_image_product.gif")', 17, 6, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Zero Qty Behavior', 'EP_ZERO_QTY', 'false', 'If this is set to "true" then all items imported with zero qty will automatically be set to "Inactive".', 17, 7, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Price Includes Tax', 'EP_PRICE_INC_TAX', 'false', 'If this is set to "true" you want the price to be defined for import & export including tax.', 17, 8, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Replace Quotes', 'EP_REPLACE_QUOTES', 'true', 'If you have extensive html in your descriptions and it is getting mangled on upload, turn this to "false."', 17, 9, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Delimiter', 'EP_DELIMITER', '\t', 'Remember, if your descriptions contain this character, you will confuse EP! (common delimiters - "(\\t - TAB will have be set using phpmyadmin or other utility as osc converts it into a string)"," ";" "~" "|" "-" "*").', 17, 10, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Maximum Categories', 'EP_MAX_CAT', '7', 'Max Category Levels to create.', 17, 11, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Products With Attributes', 'EP_PROD_ATTR', 'true', 'If you do not want to download product attributes, change this to "false."', 17, 12, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Froogle Product Info URL', 'EP_FROOGLE_PROD', '', 'Set this to the url of your products_info.php page (http://www.domain.com/catalog/product_info.php).', 17, 13, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Froogle Images URL', 'EP_FROOGLE_IMG', '', 'Set this to the url of your catalog images directory (http://www.domain.com/catalog/images/).', 17, 14, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Froogle SEF URLs', 'EP_SEF_URLS', 'false', 'If your store has SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY URLS set, then turn this to "true".', 17, 15, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Value of "v_status" field for Active product`s', 'EP_STATUS_ACTIVE', 'Active', 'Set value of "v_status" field for Active product`s (default "Active", but you can use any, for example "1").', 17, 16, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Value of "v_status" field for InActive product`s', 'EP_STATUS_INACTIVE', 'InActive', 'Set value of "v_status" field for InActive product`s (default "InActive", but you can use any, for example "0").', 17, 17, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Value for "v_status" field to Delete product', 'EP_STATUS_DELETE', 'Delete', 'Set value for "v_status" field to Delete product (default "Delete", but you can use any, for example "-1").', 17, 18, now(), now(), NULL, NULL);


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Use Easypopulate Attributes Optimization?', 'EP_USE_AO', 'false', 'All this optimization does is first load the entire attributes and options tables into an arrays. Then while its going product by product, it no longer makes a seperate mysql query calls, it just grabs the data from the existing array. Use it?', 17, 19, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Prevent EP from duplicate products in different subcategories?', 'EP_NO_DUPL', 'false', 'If you change the subcategory of existing product in your EP txt file, EP can just add product to a new subcategory (with "false" value), or untouch it from all old subcategories and add to new subcategory (with "true" value). Default is "false"', 17, 20, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Activate support for separate prices per customer module?', 'EP_CONTRIB_SPPC', 'false', 'Activate support for separate prices per customer module? default is false', 17, 21, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Activate support for Quantity Tracking Professional?', 'EP_CONTRIB_QTPRO', 'false', 'Activate support for Quantity Tracking Professional? default is false', 17, 22, now(), now(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');



INSERT INTO `configuration` ( `configuration_id` , `configuration_title` , `configuration_key` , `configuration_value` , `configuration_description` , `configuration_group_id` , `sort_order` , `last_modified` , `date_added` , `use_function` , `set_function` )

VALUES ('', 'Profit (%) of wholesale price', 'EP_PROFIT', '10', 'ALTECH inc GST price multiply (profit % + 100%)', '26', '30', NULL , NOW( ) , NULL , NULL





if it is i dont know what to do with it!



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Yes, that's the SQL file.


I would not recommend going any further with version 2.9 unless you need the separate price per customer and quantity price break contribution fields. It will only frustrate you and cause errors if you don't have those contributions also installed. I apologize if you already told me that you had a need for it...I've lost track :blink:


But if you need them, to answer your question...




Go to phpmyadmin (normally accessible through the control panel your web host provided), find the little "SQL" button, click it, paste the contents of the SQL file in the window, and click "go".


Then you can go to your osc admin panel, find the new "easy populate" entry on the configuration menu and set the configuration settings there.


Then you should be in good shape.


i didnt do anything with an sql file...


is this that file?




if it is i dont know what to do with it!



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I don't think it's necessary to do anything drastic.


If you need the functions that 2.9 provides, it will probably help you.


I do think that maybe the instructions for 2.9 are lacking, as a lot of people don't realize the need for the SQL file that is included with the package. If you run it, EP will probably work fine for you.


If not, to answer your question, I would recommend version 2.76. It's at (or near) the top of the easy populate contribution page now.


I'm not mad :) but I didn't write any of these versions...I'm just a happy ep user (seem to be the only one :o ) who's trying to help a few people out :)


I have repeated myself quite a bit, though so...if I sounded angry it wasn't intentional...just short on time, that's all.


Relax, it's Friday.


What version do u want me to use I will do that , I will re install the shopping cart. Thanks
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Which version of EP are you using?






I've followed the install instructions to a tee and also the read me 1st file.


I've made the configuration changes where necessary and changed DOCUMENT_ROOT to $DOCUMENT_ROOT.


My temp directory has the correct path in the config file also.


I can download a Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit, allthough it has added a few attributes that weren't originally in the product?


When i come to upload a file into the database here's how i do it.


1, upload the .txt file to catalog/temp folder via ftp

2, select easy populate in the admin panel and use the Import from Temp Dir

3, Type the file name in the box (filename only ie: EP2006May19-2008.txt)

4, Insert into Database


I am presented with the following:

Lines 685 to 690 in my easypopulate.php file are thus:

Any ideas?


Many Thanks


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