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The e-commerce.

Quick Install Guide


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Changing the permission:


I am to the step of changing the permissions:

  • Set the permissions on G:/wamp/www/Gbag/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/includes/configure.php to 644 (or 444 if this file is still writable).
  • Set the permissions on G:/wamp/www/Gbag/oscommerce-2.3.1/catalog/admin8652/includes/configure.php to 644 (or 444 if this file is still writable).

I do not have a column that I can change it to 644. Can someone show me how to get to the area to change this permission?


Thank you.post-272222-0-12447700-1338318570_thumb.png


using a software such as filezilla you can change the permissions. or if you have a host then using their website.


If you use file zilla. open the host and locate the files again. when you find them, right click> permissions> type in the number combo you need eg. 777 and it should work. sometimes the host doesnt allow it this way and youl have to use the hosts own webfiles application.

In which case, go to the control panel and find the webfiles application. open it and find the files on the server. it will be similar to finding it on your own computer.

when you find the files you can change the permissions, however it may not be in numbers. find out online what the different 3 number combos mean and tick the appropriate boxes for this.

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You're on a Windowz O/S. It doesn't have "numbered" permissions like 644 or 444 as a Unix/Linux O/S does.


Use Windowz Explorer and make the file "Read only".

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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  • 1 month later...


I'm a beginner and I have followed the installation instruction. When I go to my domain, I get this.


1146 - Table 'ballsto_database.configuration' doesn't exist


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration





any idea on what I did wrong?

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I read through the posts but never saw an answer that worked. I just did a fresh install via Hostgator's C-Panel (auto install). I followed the rest of the follow-up stuff like changing permissions. I cannot access the admin side, I keep getting a 404 error. Any thoughts?

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  • 5 months later...

hi Vger


i just Download and install v2.3.3 but i have a question








Database Name


I am not sure database server ??? I am using godaddy so I put www.godaddy.com and I right


Username ?? = is it mind my domind name


Password ?? my godaddy account or database password


Datebase name = I already made a file (gloriaoutlet ) for oscommerce so I put gloriaoutlet am I righ tDatabase Server


Hope you can help me???





I'm posting this here so that people who need to can find a quick Installation Guide for osCommerce. It goes a bit further than the Installation Guide in the Knowledge Base.




Here's the quick install guide.


1. Create a blank database via your web hosting control panel.


2. Download the osCommerce 2.2 MS2 zip file from the downloads section of www.oscommerce.com, unzip it and extract the 'catalog' folder.


3. If you want your shop to be available at http://www.yourdomain.com/catalog then upload the whole of the catalog folder to the root directory of your website via FTP. If you want the site to be available at http://www.yourdomain.com then just upload all of the contents of the catalog folder, but not the folder itself.


4. Make sure that the permissions on all of the folders are set to 755, and if that does not work then set them to 777. Make sure that the includes/configure.php file and the admin/includes/configure.php file are set to 777 for the duration of the install. Once the install is complete reset to 644, 444, or 400 depending on your server setup.


5. Then go to http://www.yourdomain.com/install and begin the install procedure. Your DB Server will probably be 'localhost', your db user name and password (for mysql access) will have been provided to you by your web hosting company. The name of the database you already know - because you just set it up. Do not enable SSL, elect to store sessions in the database and not files (untick the box), and do not enable persistent connections.


6. After the install create a folder called 'backups' inside the 'admin' folder (via FTP), and delete the install folder. Reset permissions on the two configure.php files.


7. Password Protect your 'admin' folder using the Password Protect feature in your web hosting control panel.


Away you go!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to install osCommerce through 'softaculous' from my hosting cpanel.

but i am getting this error,

" You don't have permission to access /shop/admin/configuration.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."


what should i do?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi i am a newbie, and sorry for my doubts, and thanks in advance for your reply.


1 - What is the best solution, and this advantages: download the oscommerce and put online in any hosting server that provides the software requirements, or use a service hosting that comes just auto-instalation of oscommerce ?


2 - I want to be sure about the real costs of the implementation of oscommerce, if i use one partner hosting service. i dont have to pay anything more to put online my webshop ?


3 - What is better, have one principal domain that have one link for other domain oscommerce shop, or one domain with oscommerce in \catalogue ?


4 - Can i put animated .gifs in the banner ?


5 - Can i put the option of 2 or more languages / currencies in template ?

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  • 4 months later...

hallo every one



I am trying to install but there is comming following error........ i have set both file Chmod 777 but its not working can any body help me here

New Installation



The webserver is not able to save the installation parameters to its configuration files.

The following files need to have their file permissions set to world-writeable (chmod 777):









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hi now i am getting this error

can any body help plz

Fatal error: mcrypt_create_iv() [<a href='function.mcrypt-create-iv'>function.mcrypt-create-iv</a>]: Could not gather sufficient random data in E:\kunden\homepages\5\d518433364\www\catalog\includes\classes\passwordhash.php on line 70

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  • 3 weeks later...

If i want to move shop from one hosting to another (actually dulpicate a 2nd one):


1. i just upload the existing web files to new directory of another website

2. create a new DB and import the sql


Do I miss any steps?

or Do I need to intall a clean osc store first (then upload all files) before the above steps?


# the template has modifed

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After i have done , the new store screen only appear as below:


Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2003): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'sql212.byethost13.com' (110) in /home/u225276212/public_html/htdocs/includes/functions/database.php on line 20 Unable to connect to database server!

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