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Sharing User database with Coppermine & OSC


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I have read few posts regarding OSC and Coppermine intergation but no one has a proper answer to my question.


I have open a website for a modelisme usegroup which is www.e-modelisme.com and I have added a forum and a Gallery. http:\\forums.e-modelisme.com and http:\\photos.e-modelisme.com.


I think it is not good at all to ask my futur users to register 3 times, one for each site !


I have read that is possible to share the same user database with Punb forums and Coppermine gallery.


Does someone know how to do to let OSC to use a commun database to get user informations (adress, phone, password, login)?


I am looking forward to reading you soon,


Thx in advance,


Best regards.

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