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The e-commerce.

HELP! email problem


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I do thank in advance anyone who can give me ANY suggestions!


I have a modified oscomm v2.2 and my only problem after all the work, is the EMAIL! Since I did all the work on a local server, I was not able to detect the problem earlier (stupid me!). Everything else has been extensively tested and working properly (tested locally so far), but once uploaded to the server I found that I am able to send emails from tools email.php but cannot send any emails sent invoking tep_mail function.


I am completely drained of any ideas! I have checked and compared the code in the files I throught are pertinent and they check out. I have performed the email testing suggested, and I am getting both emails, so there is no server problem. Also I have installed my host oscommerce version to see if that function properly, and yes, it does send emails.


I am at an impass. I do not seem to be able to find the problem and what may cause the issue. Any veterans or innovative minds, please help!

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