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How do I make the logo firefoz compatable??


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What's the extension on the file? .gif, .png.


Just loaded your site and the header did not load correctly. Pot a link to your logo so we can see what it is

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I think this might be the relevant text from file banner.php.

Sorry to post the whole lot of text but I am new to this and dont know what specific part to look at.



$Id: banner.php,v 1.12 2003/06/20 00:12:59 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License




// Sets the status of a banner

function tep_set_banner_status($banners_id, $status) {

if ($status == '1') {

return tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS . " set status = '1', date_status_change = now(), date_scheduled = NULL where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'");

} elseif ($status == '0') {

return tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS . " set status = '0', date_status_change = now() where banners_id = '" . (int)$banners_id . "'");

} else {

return -1;





// Auto activate banners

function tep_activate_banners() {

$banners_query = tep_db_query("select banners_id, date_scheduled from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where date_scheduled != ''");

if (tep_db_num_rows($banners_query)) {

while ($banners = tep_db_fetch_array($banners_query)) {

if (date('Y-m-d H:i:s') >= $banners['date_scheduled']) {

tep_set_banner_status($banners['banners_id'], '1');







// Auto expire banners

function tep_expire_banners() {

$banners_query = tep_db_query("select b.banners_id, b.expires_date, b.expires_impressions, sum(bh.banners_shown) as banners_shown from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " b, " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " bh where b.status = '1' and b.banners_id = bh.banners_id group by b.banners_id");

if (tep_db_num_rows($banners_query)) {

while ($banners = tep_db_fetch_array($banners_query)) {

if (tep_not_null($banners['expires_date'])) {

if (date('Y-m-d H:i:s') >= $banners['expires_date']) {

tep_set_banner_status($banners['banners_id'], '0');


} elseif (tep_not_null($banners['expires_impressions'])) {

if ( ($banners['expires_impressions'] > 0) && ($banners['banners_shown'] >= $banners['expires_impressions']) ) {

tep_set_banner_status($banners['banners_id'], '0');








// Display a banner from the specified group or banner id ($identifier)

function tep_display_banner($action, $identifier) {

if ($action == 'dynamic') {

$banners_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where status = '1' and banners_group = '" . $identifier . "'");

$banners = tep_db_fetch_array($banners_query);

if ($banners['count'] > 0) {

$banner = tep_random_select("select banners_id, banners_title, banners_image, banners_html_text from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where status = '1' and banners_group = '" . $identifier . "'");

} else {

return '<b>TEP ERROR! (tep_display_banner(' . $action . ', ' . $identifier . ') -> No banners with group \'' . $identifier . '\' found!</b>';


} elseif ($action == 'static') {

if (is_array($identifier)) {

$banner = $identifier;

} else {

$banner_query = tep_db_query("select banners_id, banners_title, banners_image, banners_html_text from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where status = '1' and banners_id = '" . (int)$identifier . "'");

if (tep_db_num_rows($banner_query)) {

$banner = tep_db_fetch_array($banner_query);

} else {

return '<b>TEP ERROR! (tep_display_banner(' . $action . ', ' . $identifier . ') -> Banner with ID \'' . $identifier . '\' not found, or status inactive</b>';



} else {

return '<b>TEP ERROR! (tep_display_banner(' . $action . ', ' . $identifier . ') -> Unknown $action parameter value - it must be either \'dynamic\' or \'static\'</b>';



if (tep_not_null($banner['banners_html_text'])) {

$banner_string = $banner['banners_html_text'];

} else {

$banner_string = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_REDIRECT, 'action=banner&goto=' . $banner['banners_id']) . '" target="_blank">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $banner['banners_image'], $banner['banners_title']) . '</a>';





return $banner_string;




// Check to see if a banner exists

function tep_banner_exists($action, $identifier) {

if ($action == 'dynamic') {

return tep_random_select("select banners_id, banners_title, banners_image, banners_html_text from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where status = '1' and banners_group = '" . $identifier . "'");

} elseif ($action == 'static') {

$banner_query = tep_db_query("select banners_id, banners_title, banners_image, banners_html_text from " . TABLE_BANNERS . " where status = '1' and banners_id = '" . (int)$identifier . "'");

return tep_db_fetch_array($banner_query);

} else {

return false;





// Update the banner display statistics

function tep_update_banner_display_count($banner_id) {

$banner_check_query = tep_db_query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " where banners_id = '" . (int)$banner_id . "' and date_format(banners_history_date, '%Y%m%d') = date_format(now(), '%Y%m%d')");

$banner_check = tep_db_fetch_array($banner_check_query);


if ($banner_check['count'] > 0) {

tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " set banners_shown = banners_shown + 1 where banners_id = '" . (int)$banner_id . "' and date_format(banners_history_date, '%Y%m%d') = date_format(now(), '%Y%m%d')");

} else {

tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " (banners_id, banners_shown, banners_history_date) values ('" . (int)$banner_id . "', 1, now())");





// Update the banner click statistics

function tep_update_banner_click_count($banner_id) {

tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_BANNERS_HISTORY . " set banners_clicked = banners_clicked + 1 where banners_id = '" . (int)$banner_id . "' and date_format(banners_history_date, '%Y%m%d') = date_format(now(), '%Y%m%d')");








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This is the code you need to work on. Got it from viewing the source in firefox

<!-- Top table with logo -->

<div id='imageLayer' class="topbanner_logo">

<IMG SRC="images/logo.gif">


<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" align="center" valign=top cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

  <tr><td valign=top>

<!--- top logo header --->

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="topbanner1">

<tr id="row1">

  <td align="left" width="273"><img src="images/az_top_left.gif"></td>

  <td align="left" style='background-image: url("images/az_top_middle.gif"); background-repeat:  repeat-x;'><table width="100%" class="expender_tb"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td>

  <td align="right" width="169"><img src="images/az_top_right.gif"></td>           




<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="topbanner2">

<tr id="row2">

  <td align="left" width="35"><img src="images/az_nav_left.gif"></td>

  <td align="left" style='background-image: url("images/az_nav_middle.gif"); background-repeat:  repeat-x;'><div class="date_location">

Tuesday 26 July, 2005</div>

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<div id='menu_text2'>Contact Us</div>

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<div id='menu_text4'>Logout</div>

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  <td align="left" style='background-image: url("images/az_nav_middle.gif"); background-repeat:  repeat-x;'>


    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="right" class="menubuttons">


  <td><a onmouseover="home.src='images/az_bt_homea.gif';showdiv('menu_text1');"


  href="http://anezur.com/catalog/index.php" class="headerNavigation" alt="Home"><img border=0 name=home src='images/az_bt_home.gif'></a></td>

  <td><a onmouseover="aboutus.src='images/az_bt_aboutusa.gif';showdiv('menu_text2');"


  href="http://anezur.com/catalog/contact_us.php" alt="Contact Us" class="headerNavigation"><img border=0 name=aboutus src='images/az_bt_aboutus.gif'></a></td>

  <td><a onmouseover="members.src='images/az_bt_membersa.gif';showdiv('menu_text5');"


  href="http://anezur.com/catalog/account.php" class="headerNavigation" alt="Members Area"><img border=0 name=members src='images/az_bt_members.gif'></a></td>

  <td><a onmouseover="imglogout.src='images/az_bt_logina.gif';showdiv('menu_text3');"


  href="http://anezur.com/catalog/login.php" class="headerNavigation"><img border=0 name=imglogout src=images/az_bt_login.gif></a></td>

  <td><a onmouseover="yourcart.src='images/az_bt_yourcarta.gif';showdiv('menu_text6');"  onmouseout="yourcart.src='images/az_bt_yourcart.gif';hidediv('menu_text6');"

  href="http://anezur.com/catalog/shopping_cart.php" class="headerNavigation" alt="Your cart"><img border=0 name=yourcart src='images/az_bt_yourcart.gif'></a></td>

  <td><a onmouseover="checkout.src='images/az_bt_checkouta.gif';showdiv('menu_text7');"  onmouseout="checkout.src='images/az_bt_checkout.gif';hidediv('menu_text7');"

  href="http://anezur.com/catalog/checkout_shipping.php" class="headerNavigation" alt="Checkout"><img border=0 name=checkout src='images/az_bt_checkout.gif'></a></td>







The header files I believe are stored in catalogue/includes/header.php . Back up you site, make a copy of header.php and work on it from there.
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