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Please anyone.... :'(

I am trying to understand how the payment module works. Am a total newbie. The developer that was working on my catalog said that card #'s would be sent to me encrypted to my email and that I could process the payments manually myself as I already have merchant accounts for visa, mc & amex. Much of what he said turned out to be wrong, so am trying to figure it out myself.


From what I can see, it looks like the payment module processes the transaction? Is that right? Please explain as my brain is swimming in html, css & php! And if that is how it works, how can I just have the card name, acct # & expiry sent to me for processing?




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Please anyone.... :'(

I am trying to understand how the payment module works.


I've continued looking. In the knowledge base it says in the Introduction


Payment Modules give the store owner a way to interface with several established companies for credit card processing, as well as a few methods that simply store information on the local server for off-line processing. There are also modules available for handling cash, money order, and check payments, which do not involve an external merchant.


But then there is no more about HOW to do this.

Someone pls help.

Thanks, Nicole

P.S. I hope the way I have added this post is ok. I am totally new to msg boards as well

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