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The e-commerce.

Downloads Controller


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I have searched the forum and since it is so huge just cant find my answer.


Can anyone explain to to install a contribution such as the Downloads Controller or direct me to a help file.


Thank you in advance

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Well, its not to bad as long as there are a good set of instructions. First, download the contribution and extract all the files. Then look for a text file usually named "installation instruction" or something like that. Read the direction carefully and BE SURE TO BACKUP ALL FILES YOU ARE MODIFING! Most contributes are quite easy as long as you have 2 things, 1) a good FTP program (I like FlashFXP) and 2) a good PHP editor (I use Dreamweaver) but there are plenty of free software for you to use.


(I have a complete backup of my cart, just in case I mess up)


Open the files one by one to edit and make necessary changes and save that file in a different location, don't overwrite the file.


If a database change is necessary, also make a backup of your database, use "PHPmyadmin" to do these changes (this is accessable through the sites control panel, not your catalog admin).


I have installed many contribution and remember that these are all developed by regular people for the most part and sometimes you will need to reference this forum, in case of bugs or conflicts with other contributions arise.


Here is the newest Download Controller Contrib. Downloads Controller v5.2

The install file is called "read me.txt"


I hope this helps.



James Scheller

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