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The e-commerce.

Removing the >> from boxes


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I dunno if we are allowed to put links but heres my site



If you look at the shopping cart that I put in the lefft column.

It has arrows (>>) that want leave me alone lol.

Where do I find the coding that needs to be removed.


There seems to be a "»" directly after the code for the shopping cart header image leftside1_cart.gif.


Remove this "»" and everything should be fine. :blush:

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There seems to be a "»" directly after the code for the shopping cart header image leftside1_cart.gif.


Remove this "»" and everything should be fine.  :blush:


Yeah I was trying to find it but the funny thing is I just couldnt.

I came to the conclusion that it wasnt in the shopping_cart.php but in another file that was called up into the shopping_cart.php.


I thank you for your help thou, I ended up just removing the whole line of coding and leaving just the total amount lol.

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