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The e-commerce.

Prepare build a new site


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Well, here is what the site looks like right now:



One of my friend ask me if oscommerce can build a site like this. I checked the site, I think of course the oscommerce can do this. But I start use oscommerce not longer than a half of a year, so I want to ask something in this community to make things more certain.


The first question is, I think I can just use the Products Attributes function to achieve the very customizable items, like size, paper type, frame style etc. Is there a better way?


Second, the Shipping & Handling are very different between different attributes. I asked my friend if there can be a simple shipping & handling policy, he said he will consider it. But, if it must be like this, what contri/mod can do this shipping module?there is a contri called "individual shipping", can it do this? Or, is there something I can do to make changing the shipping fee according different product attributes?


Third, can I let the customers upload files after the login to their account?


Forth, "After your work is finished, you'll be able to view a proof online". uh, maybe I can use the News Desk contri to update the new finished works to let the customers view them?


I know maybe I ask too much. But if anyone can give me some advice, I'll really appreciate.


Thanks for reading this dumb thread.

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The site, as it is at the moment, is a basic attempt to do something like this: http://www.easyart.com/flags.ghtml


The 'Frame It' feature on this site is very inventive, but it's not something that you'll find any sort of Contribution for in osCommerce. Realistically, you'd have to get someone to custom write it for you. They'd have to be very good (better than me), and it wouldn't be cheap either.



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