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Amending 'Advanced Search' functionality


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Hi All


I'm a newbie when it comes to Web Design but have thrown myself in at the deep end and now have a reasonable looking store in development. I have installed the STS and have since added the Extra Fields contribution to cope with the products I want to sell.


The issue I'm having is this:


I want to remove the 'Manufacturers' drop down list from the Advanced Search area and replace this with the same drop down but referencing the fields I have entered/added to my DB via the Extra Fields contribution.


So far I can remove the Manufacturers option from the page and replace this with my own variation (by simply plagiarising the code), but it's the SQL querying that's giving me grief. I've tested the query I've constructed against the relevant tables on my DB using PHPmyAdmin and the query pans out A-OK.


Can anyone tell me (as I finally get to the point) if I've identified ALL the relevant files I need to amend?? I've edited:






If there are any more that anyone knows NEED edited please let me know. In the mean time I'll play about with the tep_db_query/array statements and see if I can get the sucker to work.


PS. I know there are contributions for adding additional searches/search functionality to the system but unfortunately 2x I have tried have failed to work. Maybe another contrib causing conflict? Who knows.


Any help/pointers gratefully rec'd - and all you guys/galls who write the contributions - BRAVO! (Well done to the osC Dev team as well - great product!!!!!)

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Just in case anyone else needs to know, the files I eventually edited to get the Advanced Search drop down list showing my Extra Fields (and replacing Manufacturers option) were:






I also had to add a new file to cope with the 'Extra Fields search'. To do this I copied the original


Catalog/Includes/Boxes/Manufacturers.php to



and replced the content with references to my own tables.


I'm still working on perfecting the search output but at least the Advanced Search presentation is now up to scratch....

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