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remove images


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i uploaded an image for a manufacture but i do not wish to keep it anymore. i would like the "no image selected" in the admin tool to be there instead of an image name so that it wont link to an image anymore. i tried to delete the image from ftp but i get the "red x" no image. how do i remove an image once it has been uploaded so that i do not have to see that "red x"


i cannot select "no image" because it always wants to find one. is there anyway to remove the images for all manufactures?

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In the admin section...

Go to Configuration>>Images>>Image Required

Set it to "false"


Voila... No more red X


I'm kind of having the same problem. I dont want a image there but I dont want to set it to false cause I want other image on the same page. you cant delete that image ? I put four images in but I only want 3 to be shown..


Thanks for any help

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