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The e-commerce.

Editing, where do I look?

The Captain

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Can some one point me in the right direction of the file that allows me to edit the What's New here? text and logo on the homepage please.


Plus where do I look in order to change the OSC image on the packing slip and invoice?


They may seem like simple questions to some of you out there but I have just spent the last 6 hours going round in circles.



The Captain

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You can change the Text for "Whats New Here?" in the includes/languages/english/index.php file..


All content/headers etc (like above) can be changed in the appropriate language file... Example) if you want to change something on the "shipping.php"...the first please place to look is the includes/languages/english/shipping.php


If you cant find the file in the english folder then the text is probably defined in "includes/languages/english.php" (such as the box headers)


If you want to simply overwrite the images (such as the logo) just right click on the image in your browser and click "properties" this will show you where the image is located, and just overwrite this file.


(The logo is called images/oscommerce.gif)

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