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Need help to change shipping table character limit


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I need some major help here badly ?

I need to edit the shipping tables character limit from 255 to some thing higher !!

cause I have over 3000 products to sell online and I have max charcter lfor shipping weight base table of over 600: 0.00

and I use the weight base of the shipping tables zoneworlds..

and so far a product that weights about 40 lbs and in the table shipping its 40:79.99,

and my large shipping table goes as far as 650: 0.00

so since the character limit is 255 for shipping tables and Zone Countries.


I realy need to change it to be able to load a larger limit !

So can any one help me on this issue ?

please I need to so the shipping can calculate correctely with a larger table weight..

please contact me at [email protected]

if any one can help me out ?


and Yes" I put Enter the Maximum Package Weight you will ship 5000.00


so if your suggest that to fix it thats not what I need to change it !

it has to be the character limit set in the source code some were or in sql

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