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Strange table display in shipping modules


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Here is a screen grab from my Checkout Shipping page.


There seems to be some spurious output below the methods of shipping. This output is there no matter which method is selected. It only disappears when no shipping method is selected at all!


I am using a standard script with no mods other than my template. This is running on another store I have deployed in the usual manner!


Any clues?



Edited by darkside
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I am using a standard script with no mods other than my template.  This is running on another store I have deployed in the usual manner!




If this is the case, then why do you not simply replace any file that could be causing the problem :-"



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If this is the case, then why do you not simply replace any file that could be causing the problem? :-"


With what?


As stated, I am running the standard script, with no mods. I have already tried replacing the file with the original (same!) file but no joy.


The self-same file that shows errors on my site works OK on another site, hosted on the same server. Turning all shipping modules off does fix it, but any one or more cause this output.


I was wondering if this could be down to something in the shipping module config - but can't seem to find anything to turn off or over-ride under Modules -> Shipping.

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Your screenshot is not of 'the standard script, with no mods'  :-"


Replace includes/classes/shipping.php




Thanks for trying to help...


The script doing the actual work (the shipping module) is not modified. I have simply 'wrapped' my template round the shop by editting the includes/top.php and includes/bottom.php but this does not impact on any of the functionality within the site.


I have replaced the files with direct copies from my other working install (live store that I did for another client) and cannot seem to get this to work either on my local server or my host... :blink:

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If you have a little coding backgroud PHP type...put echo scripts in the shipping.php module and other that generates the shipping selection options.

example <?php echo "point A ".$varible_name; ?>


This will display on you screen when the code is encountered...so if you put

this type of code along the trail of logic it will show you where the rtn... of your

problem is accuring...This technique is called debuging...


Oh the $varible_name can be replaced by any varible that you may need to see

what is stored in it...Hope this gives you some help.



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