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Install MS2 with register globals off


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I've downloaded this version of register globals




And i found it as a contribution at:




and it has the register globals off function included in the clean install.


When i press the install-button it get a fatal error like this:


Import Catalog Database: 	 
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: osc_draw_checkbox_field() in /customers/mypage/mypage/httpd.www/<secret>/<secret>/install/templates/pages/install.php on line 24



Anyone who knows what i can do to continue the installation?


All help are most appriciated!



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Look below my name for the Register Globals Patch Files. It includes the information in the second link you supplied, but put together into a file set, which includes 'install' files.


I don't know about the first link you posted.



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Look below my name for the Register Globals Patch Files.  It includes the information in the second link you supplied, but put together into a file set, which includes 'install' files.


I don't know about the first link you posted.




Thank you very much!


It worked out fine. And by the way, a state of the art shop u have!


Cheers mate! :thumbsup:

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