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Canned email glitch


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I get this in one of my canned emails...


Gordy has created a Wishlist at BooBearsBodyElegance.com and would like to share it with you.



This is a really nice tongue ring.


How do I correct that TEXT_HERES_A_MESSAGE part to have it removed.


Here is the php code I used for that area but maybe it is another part I need to look at.

      if (tep_not_null($HTTP_POST_VARS['yourmessage'])) {
       $email_body .= TEXT_HERES_A_MESSAGE . $from_name.":\n";
 $email_body .= $HTTP_POST_VARS['yourmessage'] . "\n\n";





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TEXT_HERES_A_MESSAGE needs to be defined in a language file - /includes/languages/english.php will work:


define('TEXT_HERES_A_MESSAGE ', ' You have received a message from ';



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TEXT_HERES_A_MESSAGE? needs to be defined in a language file - /includes/languages/english.php will work:


define('TEXT_HERES_A_MESSAGE ', ' You have received a message from ';


Thank you Matti I know that was a pretty basic beginner type question, but I really do appreciate you taking the time to help a newbie like myself.



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